My shot~ K2 (South Park)

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Inspired by the song 'My shot' from Hamilton.
Warnings: Cursing pretty much...
Ages: 19 for Kyle and 20 for Kenny.
Kyle's POV.

The bar looks really bland. I sit at the table, smiling brightly.

"Hello sir," I say.

Craig Tucker nods along.

"Nice to see you here then," I say.

He nods again. I take a shot.

"Sir, we will see in the war," I say.

"You're young, you cannot have gotten-," he says.

"I have," I say.

He sighs.

"You could get awkward from this shit and run towards it?" He asks, as if I was stupid.

"Shut up," a blonde man says.

I turn around to face him. He looks beautiful there, between two men.

"Come on, boy," one of them says.

The fact he has a strong accent sounds really interesting. I sit with them.

"So you're going into the war?" The blonde beauty asks.

I nod.

"Boy! Such a decision," the last boy says.

I laugh and take a shot.

"You don't look much older," I say.

"Stan Marsh, immigrant fighting for the right for my family to come here," the man that called me over states, shaking my hand.

"Kenneth McCormick, outcast, forced into the fight to get money," the beautiful man says.

"Gary Harrison, fighting for the possibility of my family finally getting something more than a bakery with a tax so ridiculous it will rob us blind," the last man says.

"Kyle Broflovski, fight for freedom of our country, I have no family other than this beautiful place that shall not burn on my watch! I will do it!" I say.

Stan laughs.

"I'm putting an end to this anarchy!" He says.

"There you go! Our country needs us, no matter age, wealth or background, we need to free us from this shit," I say.

"My brother and sister are fighting this war, my sister is 17 and helping our country with all she can, we have risen up," Kenneth says.

"There you go, Beautiful! This country is all we have and we are damn going to defend it!" I say.

"Be careful with your volume, men, I'm with you, you just need to keep it down," Craig says.

"This is going to be a colony, a working colony. I will die for my country and I will shout it out with pride. I WILL DIE FOR THIS COUNTRY!" I yell.

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