C'mon~K2 (South Park.)

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I've been doing so many of these and scrapped them.
Warnings: Cursing and alcohol. Also, inspired by a memory, I got to spin two lovely lasses. Lead both. And two boys, I was popular that night.
Ages: 18.
Kenny's POV.

I continue to drink in the corner as a few kids start dancing in the middle.... so basically we got to use this space because the last of us, Wendy, turned 18 and can drink so we went all out.... well not everyone but for fun, most of us did. Since I have gotten my finances under control, I can do these kind of thing. Bitch, I have a bestseller under my name.

"Hey!" Kyle yells.

He's drunk. Well I mean I'm starting to be tipsy but the dude is straight up drunk.

"Come dance."

I roll my eyes.

"I don't know."

"C'mon handsome. Let's have some fun."

Well I didn't know this about him.

"You can't even dance!"

"And I care why? C'mon! Come have some fun, it isn't really fun to just stand in a corner watching everybody!"

I laugh.

"Don't know, go have fun for me then!"

"Stan and Wendy are having enough for both of us if I got the message correct."

"This quick?"

"I mean.... it's been an hour."

"Not enough."

"But I'm drunk too!"

"You aren't throwing yourself at your ex!"

Kyle laughs.

"I mean I would but he's already having fun and I'm not going to ruin that."

I laugh.

"That's nice of you," I say.

"You know what isn't nice? You still standing there! C'mon, just one dance!" He says.

I sigh and just down what I have.

"Why aren't you asking someone else?"

"Because I don't wanna! You're enough!"

"Kyle.... don't say too much, you'll regret it..."

"And why is that? That's why I fucking started drinking in the first place!"


"Because I fucking love you."

"Ky, please—."

"No, listen! I have for a while now and each goddamn time when I get the courage to say anything, I freeze completely. I just thought.... since Stan mentioned I'm really talkative when drunk that maybe I would get enough to tell you."

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