Hot night~Stylenny (South Park.)

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Fuck you, it's still random titles..... WHAT THE FUCK CAN I MAKE OUT OF THAT TITLE? Whatever I made has to be shit. (Yup, it is.)
Warnings: YOU SEE THE WORD HOT AND DON'T THINK:SEXUAL?!?! Don't lie! Also cursing. Also, I told Hello_Im_Crazy279 about this one because it's hilarious.
Ages: 20 (because Finnish legal age for alcohol is 18.)
Kenny's POV.

Kyle just finally sits down, drinking his drink while doing so.

"You're going to be drunk if you continue that!" Stan screeches.

"And I care why. Tests are over for the year, I have time to drink the pain that they were away from my body."

"So what are we even doing?"

"Eh, Kenny and I thought to bring you with us to this tonight."

"What is this?"

Kyle laughs and puts the glass down.

"Mainly gaying around."

"I'm demi."

"Well fuck you too, we're Pan. Don't be so picky."

"You know strangers tell me that all the time and I'm like 'Dude, not my fault I don't like your dick... or your pussy. Stop shoving it in my face.'"

"I'll shove my dick in your face if you consent," I say.

"If I get a drink out of it, sure."

Kyle laughs.

"That's Just What we do normally then."

"Do you two just shove you dicks in the others face?!"

"No, blow job shots."

"That's just not using your hands so it looks like—What does that have to do with it?"

"We have a game where you kinda take it from between the others legs, it's legit sexual that way."

"Why the fuck would you—?"

"It's a game. The one that loses, pays the alcohol back."

"I'm not in, not paying."

"C'mon, we won't force you to pay or anything."

"Fine, fuck it."

Kyle laughs and gets up.

"Who wants to go first?" I ask.

"Let the new one be first."

Stan sighs.

"I'm fucking drinking it, i want my mind as drunk as it gets, fuck worrying about a hangover. I had a breakup, half my stuff is in the guys house I had the break up with, my school says that I should get anger management (not knowing I go to like seven). So yeah, better get fucked up."

Stan sighs.

"Alcohol is not the right place to tur—."

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