Tea? Coffee?~Bary (South Park.)

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Baahir x Gary. This is my ship goddamnit. Baahir doesn't get enough justice and I'm giving the poor thing a little attention. (I searched Tumblr and found FOUR drawings of best boy ever.)
Warnings: Cursing and some shaming of religion.
Ages: 19 both.
Question: If this ship had to be stereotypical, who'd top? Baahir or Gary? I'm just rather interested in your opinion.
Baahir's POV (m'boy)

"Fire! Fire!"

I stand up, looking around.

"Ma'am. What is it with all the yelling?" Gary asks, looking around.

"Nice to see you. I didn't know you moved here," I say.

He laughs.

"Just moved. Now. Ma'am, why are you yelling?" Gary asks.

"Apologies, we were testing the fire alarms. She just got very surprised by them."

Stan runs down the stairs.

"What the hell is going on?" He asks.

Butters runs in afterwards.

"Oh. Hey Gary. Did you have a nice time moving in?" Butters asks.

Stan freezes and, very slowly, hides behind me.

"Save me," he says.

Gary laughs.

"Hi Leo, yeah, I did. It was nice of you to help me out," Gary says.

He looks behind me to Stan, who tries to run away one more time.

"Hey Stan," Gary says.

"Oh eh... hi. Look, I was an idiot when I was younger. So, um, forgive me?" Stan asks.

Gary laughs at this.

"Of course. But I'm not going to apologise for my behaviour as I did what I saw right," Gary says.

"Understandable. Wanna go... catch up? Over tea or something amongst those lines?" Stan asks.

"Isn't it over coffee?" Gary asks.

Butters shakes his head.

"No, don't. Stan will actually kill you if you do," Butters says.

"No coffee around Stan, he'll get-," I say.

Stan chuckles.

"I'm not particularly a coffee person," Stan says.

"Oh... that's... not very dramatic," Gary says.

"He's trying to be nice since he was cringe attacks over the fact he was so mean to you," Butters says.

"Oi! I'm nice anyway," Stan says.

"Arguable," I say, chuckling.

Stan laughs and hugs Butters for whatever reason. He's damn clingy sometimes. Which, I mean, is not particularly a bad thing but i don't know how Butters stands him. I would be running out of that relationship before you could say 'Fuck my life.'

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