Make history 4/5~ A mess of ships (South Park)

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This is a hot, steaming, piece of shit. I just want to put too much of myself on the table and it ends up terrible.
Warnings: Cursing, a small little part about depression (I am depressed, severely. I'm making fun of myself at that line. Okay?) and sort of sexual content.
Ages: 20 all.
Bebe's POV.

"We've talked about Dora the Explorer. Anyone remember Avatar?" Kenny asks.

"Of course I do! Katara was my obsession as a young queer person," Wendy says.

"Okay same as shit," I say.

"But I mean, I was fucking obsessed with Sokka," Stan says.

"Not even Zuko?" Kyle asks.

"Nah, I never had a bad boy phase," Stan says.

"Liar!" I say.

"I have mistakenly gone against my type with my ex," Stan says.

Kenny laughs.

"Do tell," he says.

"I'll tell yours," Clyde says.

"I never admitted to a type," Kenny says.

Clyde laughs.

"Yes, you have," Clyde says.

"What?" Kenny asks.

"You admitted to like people that could be independent and were very honest with themselves," Clyde says.

Kenny 'ohhh's.

"Would not call it a type. I like confidence, not all the time, nobody is always confident. I just always thought it was something nice to have a person that's sure. Although, like I said, it's just a preference," Kenny says.

"Oh shit," Kyle says.

"I ain't really sure of anything, life throws random shit. I mean, I like planning as much as the next person, I just know that shit can never be for sure," Kyle says.

"Deep," Clyde says.

"I'd totally go for a drink right now," Wendy says.

"Is this the right time to say that?" I ask.

"Kyle sounds like himself when he is tipsy," Wendy says.

"Shut up," Kyle says.

"When he's drunk he is actually a flirt," Wendy says.

"Worse than normal?" Stan asks.

"If someone trying their best to get into your pants is worse then yes, very much so," Wendy says.

"I've been drunk ONES in front of you and now I'm automatically a drunk?" Kyle asks.

"Where? Isn't the legal age 21 in America?" Stan asks.

"It would be illegal anyway," Kyle says.

"Someone's a bad boy," Kenny says.

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