Right 1/2~Stylenny (South Park.)

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I HAVE WRITTEN THIS NO LESS THAN FOUR TIMES BECAUSE MY PHONE KEEPS CRASHING. Also, idea stolen from Hello_Im_Crazy279 who got it from caffeinetea so we all just steal each other's ideas now. (Also, in this fic, Mr. Garrison is president for so long I have lost count on the years.)
Warnings: I don't know about being trans (being Non-binary) and also cursing.
Ages: 14.
Fun fact: My name for trans Stan (yes this is trans Stan) depends a lot. Stana is pretty up there of course but I also use Sina, Sanni and Satu. Although Satu is absolutely my personal favorite as it means fairy tale and there is something so adorable to that. Siina is also a really pretty name. And Stiina. If you didn't realise, I think my country has really pretty names. You'll know which I would use for Stan in the next chapter.
Stan's/???'s POV.

I keep my headphones in my ears, listening to the most stereotypical power songs, waiting for the new councilor (after mr. Mackey went into Canada for a year and found himself there, we got a new councilor.)

"You're Stanley, right?" A woman asks.

I take my headphones off.

"Marsh?" I ask.

"I haven't met other Stanley's here," she says.

"I guess," I say.

She nods.

"Tea, Tea Huoravittu-Paskaho," she says.

"That's an.... interesting surname," I say.

"I thought so too but my wife insisted we'd share last names as neither of us wanted to change them but also wanted each other's last names," Tea says.

She smiles.

"Are you coming then?" She asks.

I put the bag over my shoulder and not, putting my music on pause.

"Come on in then," she says.

I get into her office. It's much different from mr. Mackey's. The wall behind her table has a.... cat... poster? Yeah, a cat poster with the text 'Hang in there' on it, with a cat holding onto a... robe? What the fuck is this?

"Oh that," Tea says.

She laughs.

"My daughter thought it was hilarious and gave it to me," she says.

She points towards a chair with a purple pillow on it, i sit down and look at her.

"Alright then, Stanley. Do you want to get something out of the way immediately?" Tea asks.

Should I or should I not? Fuck it! She has the right to remain silent!

"I think I'm trans," I say.

"What makes you feel that then?" She asks.

I sigh.

"I've just... I don't know, I always felt uncomfortable with being a boy, I just always have. I've tried to act more flamboyant all my life but when people started insulting me for it, I just tried to act like a stereotypical boy. I got really into cars and tools and motors and shit, all the stereotypical. And sure, I think they are okay interesting, it's just a stereotype. And while I enjoy it, I've always wanted to be a girl, I've had some really good friends that are girls and they were always way easier for me to relate to. I don't know. And I just, feel it, something about being a boy feels wrong. And something about being a girl actually feels better. Sure, I might never be able to be a girl like the others but it's what I, personally, feel much closer to," I say.

She keeps nodding and writing stuff down.

"I'm scared of coming out, not that my family is against the LGBTQ community, of course they aren't, it's just the fact this world as a whole isn't on that level. My dad will not be violent or anything but it might turn into something with him even if he is overly open to absolutely anything. I don't know, he will do things wrong even if he means well. I love him but that's the truth about it, he tries to do things right and does them wrong," I say.

Tea sighs.

"I'm going to have to call your parents concerning the issue, I'm so sorry," Tea says.

"But don't you have to stay silent if I don't want you to talk about it?" I ask.

"Mr president put up a new rule, an LGBTQ students parents must be called concerning the issue of the child's gender or sexuality. I'm so sorry, Stan," Tea says.

The phone starts ringing that minute and soon enough, mom picks up.

"Sharon Marsh on the phone?" Mom states.

"Tea Huoravittu-Paskaho, the school councilor," Tea says.

"Is it Shelly or Stan?" Mom asks.

I laugh. Oh my god, mom's so fucking done.

"Stanley," Tea says.

"Oh. He didn't try to kill himself again, did he?" Mom asks

"No but I would like to talk about that with him later," Tea says.

Oh fuck no, we will not. What next? 'By protocol, I have to tell your best friend that you tried to kill yourself'? Oh that would give Kenny and Kyle a fucking shock. I actually think I've done pretty well with not telling them about that. If I didn't, they would be on my ass all the time about it... and if I said that out loud, Kenny would make such a dirty joke. I swear, I'm starting to know them a little too well.

"And as far as trans issues come, out president mr. Garrison has many more rules coming soon enough," Tea says.

Oh fuck, I should have listened.

"I'll tell your daughter what you said, she hasn't been listening," Tea says.

I take a deep breath as she closes the call.

"Your Mother has jumped on the issue immediately and has decided that it's for best to start doing our best to be your support in the possibility you've decided to transition," Tea says.

I actually can feel the tears.

"Really? You're not joking?" I ask.

"No, Stan, I am not. But now it's more on you. Are you sure? Do you want to have the transitioning?" Tea asks.


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