The Trembling Body~K2 (South Park.)

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Still title generator. But yeah. I loved writing this.... it's a bit on the longer side... but yeah. It was super nice to get to.... finally.... with K2 being my shit for the last few days. Also, I read so many K2 ones where Kyle was a complete ASSHOLE and YOU DO NOT DO THIS FOR STYLE! WHY IS HE AN ASSHOLE TO KENNY? THE FUCK? MY BOYS ARE KIND AS FUCK! AND WHY IS K2 AN ANGSTFEST? SHUT IT I WANT MY HAPPY SHIT, HALLELUJAH YOU HAVE IT FOR STYLE BUT LORD KNOWS IF K2 IS HAPPY LIKE THIS IS AN ANGSTFEST BUT I DON'T FUCKING KILL THEM OFF AFTER THEY FUCK! DA FUCK?!?!? IT IS NOT K2 IF YOU MAKE KYLE MOURN KENNY'S DEATH BY BEING WITH STAN! THAT'S STYLE!
Warnings: Sexual and all and all, quite sad. As well as cursing. Hinting to abuse and Kenny's really out of OOC in the start.
Ages: 16.
Note: I very much have a limited knowledge of gay sex? Like, I'm all for pride by all means but I know a lot more about kinks.... and pretty much aftercare? Kinda? I do know about aftercare more than gay sex but porn won't help for shit, not realistic. So um, this is vanilla gay sex, the two things I suck at writing..... oh shit..... sorry~.
Kyle's POV.

The doorbell rings and I, putting my book down, go look outside the window. At the familiar person, I unlock the door.

"Hey Ky."

He's shaking.... I don't know if he's cold or if he is just trying to do something else.

"Come in."

He smiles slightly and I close the door. The first sight is the fact he doesn't have his normal clothing on, leaving me to believe he left in a hurry.

"You probably need clothes, those look like they are soaked."

He keeps his eyes down, still shaking.

"You'll get some of my clothes, something baggy just might fit you arm wise. In length, everything is going to be a little bit long."

He nods.

"Kenny, dude.... you're freaking me out."

He still remains silent, shaking.... almost trembling.

"Fuck.... Kenny, go in the bathroom, I'll get you some clothes."

He nods. I put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump.

"Where is Karen? Or Kevin?"

He sighs.

"Karen's at Craig's and Kevin was already with his girlfriend."

"Already? Ken.... what's wrong?"

He shakes his head but I just hug him, keeping a hold of his cold hands to get them some kind of warmth.

"But really, go to the bathroom... I might have some food here as well, I mean, some that won't be weird to my family when they come... or the disappearance of them."

He nods and I just kiss his forehead. I'm a very affectionate guy, fuck the whole masculinity thing that says that i shouldn't be affectionate, I love my friends and damn well will gladly fucking do anything like this to show that fact.

"I'll bring some clothes in a moment, you can take a shower, I'm home alone so if someone walks in, it's me."

He nods yet again. Kenny's quiet but this is stupid, he isn't mute... normally when he speaks, it's muffled. Honestly, sometimes he is pretty talkative actually.

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