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Don't know what I'm not doing.
Warnings: Cursing, sexual and alcohol.
Ages: 18............? So legal because fuck America in the ass, the earlier I can have my vodka the better the culture.
Stan'sPOV (I'll regret this chapter when I'm mentally sober.)


I turn to him, smiling.

"Hi Ken."

He sits down, taking my beer.

"Bitch if you want some conversation, I'm having this."

I laugh.


I get up to go get myself one now that Kenny stole mine.

"You've got a nice ass."

I laugh.

"Why what kinds words. Want a piece or something?"

"For sure."

I just roll my eyes and walk to the fridge, taking a beer.

"You're staying over though," i say.

"Aw, I think you wanna give me that ass."

"You know it."

Both of us are saying all this through huge amounts of laughter.

"Come on and sit here then."

He pets his lap but I just laugh and sit next to him, putting my head on his lap.

"Ain't this almost the same?"

"Good enough."

I smile at him yet again before drinking my beer. To be honest, you have to be really close to me for me to make these kinds of jokes. Well I'm really close with Kenny. Kyle too but Kyle is a different kind of close, he asked my consent to date Wendy when we were broken up for 3 years. Like a brother you know? I love him like he were my brother. We make gay jokes but there is no meaning behind it. With Kenny............... it's different. Way different. The comfort is different, like a different safe. I don't know how to describe what it is exactly. I just know he's the only one I have told these kinds of jokes to with the small thought behind it of..... maybe I do want to do that kind of thing. I'm definitely not straight, I'm not sure what I identify with but straight ain't it. I've liked guys. Haven't had sex with guys.... but I've thought about kissing them and holding hands with them, even did all that with a boyfriend (other than sex. He was ace) so I know I like guys.... I have definitely also thought about guys in a sexual manner. MANY times. I could deal with a bigender person. I could most definitely kiss and hold hands... i'm not just sure about the sexual side. Same with agender. But there are some I'm not so sure of. Gender-fluid? For sure! Give it to me! But there are ones I don't understand or just don't think I could have sex with. But hey, I've only had sex with girls.

"Hey Kenny. Have you fucked guys?"

"Most definitely."

"What is it like?"

Kenny laughs, drinking his beer.

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