Mulan~Stenny (South Park.)

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Warnings: None?
Ages: 19.
Stan's POV.

Don't tell anyone but I love cliches, I've always loved Disney and I most definitely have always had a soft spot for romance, books, films, whatever.... I do like other things but a lot of people find my romance 'obsession' weird.... it's really not, I just love getting swept off my feet. In my own way, there is a teenage girl living inside my heart. I'm boisterous in many ways, loud and all and all energetic.... but I most definitely can be phlegmatic, especially while writing music. My dad has told me a few times that I probably would need to act a different way to get an audience, I should be boisterous and very childish. But that isn't like me.... at all... really, I like to be dignified and imperturbable, it's probably also the side of me that decided that having a Disney thing tonight.... it's weird to have a critic that hates how easily the girls fall for the guys.... and then there is just this serene side of me that appreciates how gorgeous those films actually are. It's weird really.... but it's useful when writing songs. I'm nothing big, obviously, like my dad said, to make it big you've got to have that energy and most of the time, I like to be a little bit older. I grew up with an alcoholic dad and a mom that worked a lot. Plus a sister that was abusive.... so I sort of learned to become a bit more... tranquil? May not be the word I'm looking for... well yeah. Especially after my parents broke it off for the last time, I became an ideal child to have..... far in fact that I'm stuck in a school I don't want to be in. A business school, I got a scholarship to one of the best ones in America and got a year in Britain in. The year in Britain was definitely where I discovered myself more.... I don't go to Harvard but I'm still smart enough to understand when I'm missing a piece of me................ and I was, most definitely, missing a huge piece of me.

When I went to Britain, I had just broken up with my now ex, world was so empty without her.... while my best friend was off in Harvard (because of course he would got to Harvard), I needed change... so I got a year in Britain. I went through England, Wales and the beauty that is Scotland. I even went to Ireland for a short while for Christmas (because two weeks without school allowed me to). The whole place was.... wonderful in it's own unique way. But I was alone and I'm not meant to be alone, I'm a very social person.... I'm not meant to be out of a relationship, because those are the people that help me keep my depression at bay.... that's just the way I have always worked..... I'm wired to be with an another human being at my side.

And that's when you reconnected with Kenny and you got together, people think, when I explain this... however, no, it didn't go like that. I did talk to Kenny whole way through, dude was on the top of the world. Bestseller, one of the ten books most sold that year, critics loved it.... he was doing better than he ever had before.... exactly why he was dating someone. And so, we both just continued to talk as he wrote and she stayed next to him.... they disagreed on a few things and went their own ways.

That's when you got together—no but I'm getting to it. We actually got together while Kenny got home, four months later (book tour had been really successful) and we decided to watch.... you guessed it, a Disney movie. He picked it, I liked it and so we played it while eating popcorn. What was it?


So yeah, not the most classic date night thing.... I didn't even know why we chose it other than him liking it... I don't know why we kissed just that night, I don't know why things went like a snowball.... we were 18, both of us, we were slightly stupid and since adulthood came crashing, both of us were in a hurry to get together with someone to be in a happy moment...... in a happy relationship.

Haven't regretted one bit, I'm not the biggest thinker when it comes to these things but if I do think about it, I couldn't ask for a more lovable dork. I couldn't ask for someone who could cuddle with me more fittingly.... maybe because we're '4 inches apart.... which is sort of embarrassing. I'm the size of a tall woman and he a short man... but it's warm and I think he thinks so too.

And today, we are watching a Disney movie.... which one you ask?


It's our one year anniversary, November 22nd. I left Britain the summer, just before I turned 18.... with new knowledge of who I was and what I needed in life. And what I need in my life is this gorgeous man next to me with a bright smile and the voice of an angel as he sings the songs like he knew them.... he doesn't completely, I hear him mumble a word or two. In a way, I'm really glad that I finished high school when I was 16, went straight to business school, took that year in Britain, kept connected and finally decided to watch this very movie with him. He's the only one that knows my love for cliches, every month we have a Disney night....

Only rule: Mulan is saved for November.

And I hope we'll do this for a long time from now..... because I love my fiancé more than anything this world could have offer....

God it's weird to think of him as my fiancé... we got engaged this morning, around 10 am.

Now it's about 6 pm, we've been engaged for 8 hours.... and there is no greater thing than to know that he knows me well enough to get engaged to me.... God I love this man.

Thank you Disney, for making this movie. Thank you Chinese stories for making something for them to base this movie on. Thank you world for existing so we could get together watching this movie......., world, please let me leave business school.

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