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"Nora. Tell us this isn't true." Said iris. Nora told them. She told them everything.

"She can't." Barry whispered and sped Nora out of the room.

"Dad— wait dad please! Dad! I'm sorry I lied to you!" She cried.

"Me too." Barry said as he locked her in the meta cell.

"Barry..." Said Iris as he went back up to the cortex.

"That's it! Why are we so gullible! Every time someone says who we think they are, we believe them! She's probably not even our daughter!" Barry ranted on to the team in distress.

"Barry— come with me." Iris said as she grabbed his hand and left to the hallway.

"What iris? Nothing you say is gonna change the fact that my daughter, my own blood, disobeyed me-disobeyed you, and worked with the man that killed my mom and your ex-fiancé!" Barry rages.

"Barry, she didn't know any better. She didn't have a father or anyone to help her with these powers. It's partially your fault. You weren't there when she needed a father." Iris said sheepishly.

"Iris, choosing between saving the world or staying with my daughter and wife is a hard decision. But she completely went against what everyone could've told her not to do, and she did it anyway." Barry rants.

"Honey, I need you to calm down—" iris started but Barry cut her off.

"No! Iris she is working with a killer! Do you not understand!" Barry yelled and slammed his fists into the wall.

"Barry, look at me- Barry. I need you to calm down for me and the team. Okay? Sweetie, please." Iris held his shoulder.

"Fine." Barry breathes out.

"Listen to me, I know how hard this must be. I know this is killing you. But she just learned about your mom honey. She didn't even know what he'd done. And now she does she can stop, she can stop working with thawne okay? She's our daughter, she'll make the right decision." Iris soothes.

"Maybe you're right. I need to talk to her." Barry sped out.

"Nora. I'm sorry that I put you in here but- I just can't trust what he could've made you do." Barry sighed.

"It's okay dad." Nora wipes tears.

"Listen, I want to know the reason you're working with him."

"In the future when you disappear, I learn how to use my powers after that. I didn't know what to do how to use them, the team had broke because of you. I had no one to turn to. He tried to help me and for so long....he did. And that's why I'm a great speedster. He taught me. I thought I could trust him then. And I did. I'm so sorry daddy." Nora cried.

Barry opened the cell and hugged her. "I'm sorry. It's my fault and I'm so sorry. I love you Nora." Barry cries.

"I love you dad." Nora held onto him so tight.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now