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Based on the prompts up above!
The twins and westallen are playing outside.

"The kids really needed this after being cooped up inside after all winter." Iris leaned on Barry's shoulder and watched the kids play in Papa Joe's backyard.

"Yeah. They're 2 they're full of energy. And Joe's house is the perfect place, since we don't have a yard." Barry smiles and kissed the top of her head as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"They're getting so big. I miss when they were our little munchkins." Iris sighed snuggling into Barry's chest.

"They still are. They always will be. Don't think about the future. Just think about the now, because I'm pretty happy to be in it." Barry strokes her hair.

"You're right." Iris leaned up to his him. He gratefully obliged.

But as always, Barry Allen can't just have one kiss. While putting his hand lower and lower iris squealed and slapped his chest "not in front of the kids!"

"They're not even looking babe!" Barry laughed and pointed to them at the huge mud swamp that Was made from the rain.

"Oh gosh." Iris groaned as she looked at the children and the mud fearing the worst.

"Mud fight!" Yelled Don as he already had a rolled up mud ball in his little hands.

"No no no Donny." Iris went in front of him, unfortunately he had thrown the mud at iris' pants instead of Dawn.

"Oh honey." Barry ran to pick up Dawn and to help Iris.

"It's fine babe. A little mud never hurt anyone right?" She said as she shrugged.

"You're not mad? These are your new jeans." Barry said with a hand on dons shoulders.

"I sowy mommy." Don said pulling on his mommy's shirt that was now muddy also.

"It's okay baby." Iris smiled at Don.

"That was mean Donny! You got mommy dirty!" Yelled dawn as she kicked don on the shin.

"Don't let her kick him." Iris waved Barry over to reprimand then.

"Ok how about you two go play in the mud while me and mommy go get towels for when you are ready to come inside?" Barry suggested.

"Ok!" Dawn ran with Don's hand in hers.

"My little prince and princess." Iris giggled as she walked up to the porch.

"Princes and princesses don't usually play in mud. Do they?" Barry laughed.

"Even royalty needs a break." Iris walked into the house to get towels.

"Woah you two look like little piggies!" Barry laughed at the mud covered children.

"Pick me up daddy!" Dawn called and put up her arms.

Barry shrugged and lifted her up even tho she had mud all over his clean shirt. "My little mud princess." Barry kissed her muddy cheek.

"I heard mommy and daddy talking about something the other day." Don said as Iris was washing him off.

"What's that sweetie?" Iris asked a little hesitant considering Barry and her are still acting like they're on their honeymoon.

"Mommy? What's sex?" Asked don.

"Oh god." Iris winced.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now