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Barry and Iris keep getting in situations with seeing parents with their children. They get sadder and sadder.

It had been a few months after Nora's disappearance. Barry and iris were coping. Not well. But that had to keep their head in the game.

Today there was a fire at a school and Barry had to speed there to put it out.

"Evacuate all the children's first. Then the teachers and staff." Iris said into the comms.

"Right." Barry answered.

He sped into the classrooms and saw scared little kids coughing and crying. The smoke was building up by the second, he had to act fast.

"You guys need to jump out of the window okay?" Barry instructed as he quickly unlocked the window.

"Mr. flash? I'm scared." Said a trembling little girl.

"You'll be okay sweetie I promise. It's only a 2 foot drop. You'll land perfectly." Barry gave her a little kiss on the cheek and lifted kids down the window.

He watched as their parents held their kids so close. They almost didn't make it out alive.

"Those kids were lucky to have you there babe." Iris smiled as she spinner in the chair to see her husband walk in from the mission.

"I guess so." Barry smiled slightly taking off his gloves of the suit and sitting next to his wife.

"What's up? You don't seem happy you saved a hundred little kids lives?" Iris tilted her head.

"Of course I'm happy. I'm happy they're home safe. But just seeing kids, parents with their kids hugging them kissing them... it reminded me of how much I miss Nora." Barry sighed and folded his hands.

"Barry, I get those little visions too. But it's normal. Remember what dr finkle said? It's normal for parents who lost their child to be overwhelmed by jealousy." Iris smiled sympathetically.

"Yeah. You're right." Barry sighed and sped out of his suit. "I just need to clear my head. I'm gonna go for a walk." Barry said as he zipped up his sweatshirt.

Barry was walking down the sidewalk seeing parents chase around their kids at the nearby park. He smiled at them wishing he had what they did. He doesn't even have a pet to fall back on. Well mcsturtle the turtle.

Barry was caught dead on his tracks when a little girl fell on the pavement in front of him and started to cry and through a tantrum. He rushed over and sat her up straight to see if she was bleeding.

"Sweetheart it's okay don't worry. You'll be okay." Barry smiles and she looks into his eyes. The little girl has green eyes. Just like Nora.

"Thank you sir. You calmed her down surprisingly." Said a mother's voice.

"Of course." Barry nodded and smiled.

"You must be a father." Said the woman carrying her baby.

"Yes...I-" Barry was questioning in his mind to tell her that he isn't one anymore or just go along with it. "I am yes." Barry went with it.

"I can tell. Fatherly instincts." The woman smiled at him and the baby.

"I guess so." Barry shrugged and put his hands in his pockets and started away.

That made him even more heartbroken.

A woman at CCPN just had a baby. Iris is almost jealous but sad. She wishes she had a full time child. Not one form the future.

"Congrats Delaney!" Iris smiled and hugged her with the news.

"Thank you Iris. Being a parent opened my third eye I swear. It's already taught me so much and it's only been 3 weeks." Delaney smiles. "You'd be a great mother." She put a hand on her arm.

"Maybe." Iris nodded. Delaney walked away.

Iris started to breaktown that night at the loft.

When Barry came home he called out "Iris I'm home!" And would usually get the answer "hi babe." But he didn't.

He sped upstairs to see what was going on and to see if she was okay. "Iris?" Barry whispered as he walked into their bedroom to see a sad sight.

"I miss her so much Barry." Iris cried as she held onto Nora journal.

"Oh gosh." Barry rushed into the bed to hold and comfort her. "Baby, I miss her too. I miss her every second of the day." Barry hugged her and stroked her hair.

"Why did she have to leave so violently?" Iris sobbed.

"I don't know iris. I don't know." Barry sighed and kissed her head.

"I just wish I could tell her I love her again." Iris calmed down.

"I know you do. I do too." Barry nodded. "She knows we love her. We always will."

"Yeah." Iris sniffed.

"Let's get you to bed, alright?" Barry suggested as he picked her up bridal style and placed her in her spot on the bed.

"You're the best husband anyone could ask for." Iris smiled sadly. "Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, sweetheart." Barry smiled and kissed her and got under the covers.

"Goodnight Bar." Iris sighed.

"Goodnight Iris."

"Goodnight Nora." Iris said which made Barry smile slightly.

"Goodnight my sweet Nora." Barry said.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now