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Barry (without his speed) and joe are hostages in a gunman's active shooting at CCPD. Iris waits for them outside.

Iris laid with 1 year old Nora on the loft couch as she watched Netflix while eating a cookie. Aka heaven. But her heaven soon turned to hell when she got a phone call from her husband.

She saw Barry's ID name and smiled. She immediately grabbed the phone and cleared her through before she answered. She pressed accept and said "hey baby, how's work?"

When he didn't answer immediately Iris stood up from the couch. "Baby?"

"Iris." Barry whispered into the phone. Her heart beat quickened in the second, wondering why he was so quiet.

"Barry what's wrong?"

"Mama what's going on?" Nora asked nervously, sensing her mommy's fear.

"Iris, me and Joe are at CCPD  and there's been a shooting. We're one of the many hostages." Barry said in a quiet voice, as if he raised his voice, someone would shoot him. That's possibly the case. "The gunman said to call someone we  love before he shoots us." Barry broke a sob.

"Oh my god." Iris paced and heaved. "Barry it's gonna be okay you're gonna be okay sweetheart." Iris started thinking of solutions.
Iris gathered up her daughter in her arms and closed her eyes.

"No it's not sweetie. I'm sorry. I love you so much. So so much." Barry sniffles. "And tell Nora Bear I love her too." Iris could feel her heart break.

"Barry you're not gonna leave us. Where's my dad?" Iris asked hurriedly.

"He's right next to me. The police are outside trying to get through the bullet proof glass." Barry sniffles.

"Give him your phone please." Iris said softly.

"Ok." Barry said as he hurriedly gave the phone to joe.

"Hey baby." Joe said in a trembling voice.

"Dad. What is happening. You have a gun on you. Shoot him!" Iris cried.

"If I even pull out the gun he will shoot me Iris. He already killed two officers." Joe whispered.

"Then when he's not looking. Dad you have to do something. I can't let you and Barry die!" Iris cried.

"We'll be alright sweetie. I'm trying my best." Joe sighed.

"I'm going over there." Iris said as she got up and picked up Nora in her arms.

"Iris no!" She heard Joe yell on the line. Until it hung up...

"Mama where we going?" Nora asked, green eyes piercing Iris soul.

"We're going to daddy's work." Iris huffed and sipped both their coats and got her keys and ran out.


"Please! Stand down!" Was the first words iris heard when she showed up to the crowded scene in front of her.

Iris cuddled Nora tight as she tighten her little hat on her head to keep her warm.

"Officer Jones." Iris' heels clacked quickly against the pavement. He turned around to see her worried face.

"Iris. What are you doing here?" Jones asked concerned.

"My husband and my father are In there. I can't start around do do nothing." Iris said looking around, examining.

"Joe wouldn't want you here, neither would Barry." Jones said cautiously.

"It doesn't matter. What is going on? I know there's hostages, but who is killed?"

"2 officers down. 3 civilians and 2 more officers." Jones explained as Nora hid in her mothers parka.

"What's the update with the gunman? Is he threatening anyone else? Is he gonna give up anytime soon?" Iris asked bouncing Nora.

"He said the civilians are his next target. We have given him every way to get out of this but he won't budge. He's pretty insane." Jones said.

"Well something needs to happen! Someone has to get them out!" Iris said frustrated.

"I know Iris. We're working on it. Don't worry." Jones put a hand on her shoulder and walked off.

Inside the building wasn't pleasant. The gunman had taken the lives of now 4 people. 2 officers and 2 civilians.
Barry was supposed to be next.

"You're next, any last words?" Said the gunman aiming his gun in Barry's direction.

"I'm begging you, please. Don't do this. I have a family. A wife and a little girl. They don't deserve to lose a loved one tonight." Barry sniffles and wipes a tear as he keeps his hands in front of him.

"You had mentioned that you're a father. What kind of house will your child grow up in, knowing their father took lives, because he thought he was more powerful. Think about your child. You love them. I love my daughter, and I would never do anything to hurt her. But you doing this, is hurting your child. Do you really want to live with that? You already have so much guilt with all those people. Please, I'm begging you, please. I know you don't want to do this. You are angry. You can't do this." Barry said.

"If never hurt my child." The gunman put his gun down. "You're right." He dropped the gun and put up his hands as police officers swarmed the CCPD.

Barry held Joes hand the entire time. "I love you son." Joe held Barry close.

"I love you too dad." Barry sobbed.

After the scene was clear of the gunman and the dead bodies, Barry and Joe went outside, Barry was not expecting to see his wife freezing cold with their little daughter, Joe expected it.

"Oh my god." Iris ran to him and automatically wrapped up in his warmth that he wrapped his arms in.

"I love you." Barry whispered and kissed her head and Nora's.

"I love you." Iris sniffles and hiccuped. Barry could feel her teeth chattering.

"Honey you're so cold. How long have you girls been here?" Barry asked taking Nora from Iris grasp.

"Since I got your call." Iris sighed and put her hands in her pockets and shivered.

"Oh sweetheart, let's get you girlies home." Barry smiles have heartily and grabbed Iris hand and kissed a sleep Nora goodnight.

"Dad." Iris ran to her father who was a few steps away, making a statement.

"Oh Iris." Joe held her close and kissed her cheek.
"I thought I was gonna loose my dad and my husband tonight." Iris cried.

"We didn't, thanks to Bare. He talked him out of it. You're very lucky woman." Joe smiles over at Barry who was cradling Nora helping her sleep with all the ruckus.

"I love you." Iris hugged tighter and took his hand to go home.

"I love you too." Joe walked to her car to drive them all home.

Iris figured that'd have Joe stay with them tonight.

"I'm so glad you two are okay." Iris hugged Barry and Joe when they settled Nora to bed.

"I'm glad I got to come home and tuck my little munchkin in." Barry smiles.

"I know." Iris giggled.

"I love you too. You are the best kids and parents I'll ever know. Thank you." Joe hugged and kissed them both before saying goodnight to going onto the couch to sleep.

Barry and Iris go upstairs to their bedroom and snuggle, without a word. They don't want to talk about what had just happened. That he could've been taken away from her and his daughter. That's a reality he will never live again. Never.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now