Waiter of my dreams

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Barry is Iris' waiter, and she falls for him. Literally.

Iris And Wally decided to go to dinner to catch up and talk. Since he just started to live with them, she wanted to get to know him better.

The hostess directed them to a small table where they sat across from each other.

"This place is really nice, thanks for this Iris." Wally smiled as he took a glance at the menu.

"Of course Wally, I just can't wait to learn more about my baby brother!" Iris clapped her hands in joy as she picked up the menu.

"What are you gonna get?" Wally asked.

"Probably a 'big ol burger' with a side of salad. What are you thinking?" Iris asked looking up.

"I think I'm gonna get the grilled chicken Fajitas." Wally said contently.

"That sounds good." Iris smiled and put down her menu and took a swig of water.

"So Wally, what classes are you taking in school right now?" Iris asked but before Wally could answer the waiter came with a little notepad and a smile.

"Hello how are we tonight?" The man said with a bright grin.

Iris looked up at him and her breath caught in her throat, he was gorgeous.

Adorable nose, plump bottom lip, rose cheeks, cute freckles. He's adorable.

"We're great. Yourself?" Iris smiled and leaned on her elbow to hold her head up.

"I'm doing well. I'm Barry, I'll be your server tonight." Barry said and already started refilling the waters.

"Thank you." Iris said sheepishly. "Of course." He said happily. And the same for Wally.

Wally could see the look in his sisters Eyes at that dude.

"Our specials tonight is lentil soup with steamed carrots and a shrimp platter with a said of coleslaw." Barry said reading from a notepad.

"I think we know what we would like to order." Iris smiled up at him.

"Sounds good. For the lady?" Barry gently pointed to Iris.

"I'll have the 'big ol burger' with a side of salad please?" Iris grinned and closed her menu.

"The 'big ol burger' is pretty big miss. Are you sure?" Barry said nervously.

"Well I have a pretty big appetite. Yes I am sure. Thank you." Iris smiled and handed him her menu.

"And for her man." Barry pointed to Wally. Iris and Wally both had stunned looks on their faces.

"Oh we're brother and sister were not dating." Wally said and chuckled.

"Oh! My apologies." Barry chuckled.

"Accepted." Iris smiled up at him as he smirked back.

"I'll have the grilled chicken fajitas please?" Wally said as he handed Barry the menu.

"No problem. I'll be back in a jiffy." Barry glanced and winked at iris. Her breath caught in her throat again.

"Iris! What the hell!" Wally whisper yelled. "Why are you flirting with our waiter!" Wally said.

"I will take any cute man in central city, upon myself. We live in the middle of no where, there's no cute guys around!" Iris whisper yelled her point.

"Maybe talk to him after dinner, without me listening," Wally said disgusted.

"Fine. But I'm allowed to flirt, mister." Iris pointed a finger at him.

"Alright." Wally sighed.


Iris and Wally were waiting for their food 10 minutes after he took the order.

Barry was walking around the restaurant greeting people with that heart stopping smile.

Iris had an idea.

"I'll be right back." Iris got up and took the napkin off her dress lap.

"No- oh god iris," Wally said nervously.

Iris approached Barry as he was wiping a table. She didn't see a dip in the floor while she walked in her high heels. She stumbled forward and thought she was going to fall when she felt a pair of strong arms catch her and hold her.

"Oh my, miss are alright?" Barry's voice came behind her ear.

"Thanks for catching me, I didn't see that dip." Iris puffed air out.

"What's your name? For professional reasons I mean." Barry said nervously as he held her up straight forward.

"I'm Iris. Nice to meet you." Barry shook her hand.

"A pleasure." Barry nodded.

"Well I should go back to my- wait, that's not what I came here for. I wanted to know if you could walk me to the bathroom?" Iris requested.

Iris genuinely didn't want to be alone. This side of the city is known for crime and iris didn't want anything bad happening.

"Oh, of course." Barry smiles and held out his hand.

"Thank you." Iris slipped her hand in his.

In took a little walk but they made it to the women's bathroom. "Will you wait?" Iris asked nervously.

"No problem." Barry smiles as she opened the door.

She quickly did her business and washed her hands. She took one more look in the mirror and puckered more lip stick on her lips.

She slowly opened the door again to see Barry with his hand in each other and an adorable smile.

"Thank you for waiting Barry." Iris complements. Barry nods and takes her hand.

"We don't want any mugger coming for do we?" Barry chuckled nervously.

"No we do not." Iris smiled and looked up at him.

"I'll be back with your food shortly." Barry sat iris down in her chair as Wally stared at them. Barry winked and jogged off to behind.

"You're kidding me." Wally groaned.

"I needed someone to take me to the bathroom!" Iris said defensively.

"I could've!" Wally said.

"You don't know where it is do you?" Iris said skillfully.

"Touché." Wally rolled his eyes.


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