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Barry's wedding Anniversary letter to Iris and hers to him.

"Dear Iris,

I can't believe it's been two years since our crazy wedding. I'm glad we made up for it with Felicity and Oliver at the waterfront (my favorite place). We did deserve our own wedding with just us getting married, but we'll save that for another time.

I love you. I know I tell you that every waking minute of every day. But today it's special. It's different. I love you for: loving me, hugging me, kissing me, cuddling me, making our bed for me, cooking dinner for me, strengthening me and powering me.

You are the single best thing that has ever come into my life. Ever. You're smile cheers me up when I think I can't move on. The way you put a spell on me to remember all the good things we have and not focus on the bad. It's a gift.

I can't wait till we have a mini you and me speeding around the house. You're going to be the best mother ever. And I'm gonna help you, and you're gonna help me. Were a package deal. And I love that.

You, my: talented, smart, intelligent, creative, brave, courageous, beautiful, stunning, hilarious, bride.. will be stuck with me forever. I'll never stop protecting and caring about you. Ever. Even when I'm dead.

I love you so so much and happy anniversary Baby.

Bare bare"

"Dear Barry,

You know that I'm not good at this. You're the best person in my life babe. You bring me too much happiness I can't control it.

You are always there for me. Always supporting me. Always there to pick me up and speed me to our home. Everything you do for me, it's so much. You deserve a prize for the work you do for me.

You treat me like I'm a princess everyday of the year. I try to treat you like the prince you are everyday, and if I don't, I'm sorry.

I love you more than I thought was possible. You're the cutest nerd. The funniest husband. The best superhero. The most loving partner. And the gentlest lover.

You never cease to make me smile or giggle at your corny jokes. You always have some kind of way to make me happy when my world grows dark. It's crazy.

I know I'm a handful but I want kids. I want them soon. I don't care how many we have but I want a little you and me. They'd have your green eyes and my darker skin. And your luscious hair and my lips. And they'd have my stubbornness and your bravery and speed. I see it whenever I dream about it. Which is a lot.

I love you more than anything in the multiverse babe. I want to be with you all day everyday, and all night...

Happy anniversary Barry.

Iris West-Allen.

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