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"Here's from a little place in keystone Cecile recommended." Barry sped in with a few big boxes of Pizza.

He gave one to Iris all to herself and for him to have the other 3 for his metabolism.

"Wow, those cravings are getting really bad huh?" Iris asked.

"Tell me about it. Good thing I'm a speedster again." Barry smiled and kneeled next to her at the table.

"Hmm." Iris nodded.

"That's gonna be You soon. You're gonna have pregnancy cravings. Your gonna be emotional. Your gonna wanna eat everything. You're gonna have to pee all the time. And guess what? I can't wait to take care of you." Barry whispered and kissed her cheek.

"That's very sweet Barry. I love you." Iris kissed him tenderly.

"You're gonna be the best mother when were parents." Barry touched her face.

"You're gonna be the best father babe." Iris smiled.

"And the baby will have those beautiful brown eyes." Barry smiled.

"The baby will have your adorable lips." Iris kissed them again.

"It'll have your perfect hair." Barry grabbed a piece of pizza and leaned over on the table.

"Hmm it'll have your precious freckles." Iris touched his face and ate pizza.

He sat on the chair next to her and held her leg.

"It'll have your natural beauty."

"It'll have your natural bravery."

"It'll have Your sexy eye lashes." Barry smirked and bit his pizza.

"Oh wow. You want our baby to be sexy?" Iris giggled.

"They won't be dating till their 30."

"Okay fine. But I know for sure that it'll have your caring heart."

"Thank you. She it'll do everything it's heart tells it. I promise. Just like yours." Barry smiled.

"I really hope this is all true. Because I'm pregnant Barry." Iris said as she took a bite of pizza.

"Oh my god! Are you serious!? This is amazing!" Barry shouted.

"It's true babe." Iris said calmly and got up as he did too.

"Oh I love you so much." Barry picked her up and spun her.

"Aww I love you too. And this little one." Iris kissed him.

"I love you both so much." Barry smiles.

"We'll always love you." Iris smiled.

"Oh my sweet little baby, I'll always love you." He bent down and kissed her stomach.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now