Calm down

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In which Barry is saying things he doesn't mean when he finds out about Nora's secret.

"I don't deserve this. After all thawnes already done?! First my mom, then my career, then my daughter? My flesh and blood, taken from me. Because of some psychopath!" Barry said as he cried in the speed-lab with Iris.

"Baby, Stop. Calm down." Iris put her hand in his and looked him in the eyes to stop.

"Iris, you don't get it. He took my daughter. My baby. The being that you conceive in the future. That we make! He just thought what he's done wasn't good enough. He just had to put another layer on top of the cake." Barry shook his head as he sat down.

"Barry, listen to me. We didn't even listen to why she started working with him in the first place. Once we get some answers we will see what we're up against. You have to stop." Iris caressed his face.

"You know, this is so painful. Seeing her, looking into my eyes, hurts me. My heart hurts Iris. He physically pains me. I want to just die." Barry cried sounding like a little kid.

"Barry you know you don't want to die. You won't have me or Nora in the future. You won't have your friends or family." Iris cried with him.

"Some days I just think that it'd be so much easier. You know? Getting away from it all." Barry rubbed his eyes.

"Honey, you will love a nice long life. No doubt about it. I will never stop loving you, ever. You can't say those things and worry me like that. You need to calm down." Iris soothed.

"I don't know what to do. Iris, I can't do it anymore!" Barry yelled and cried.

"You don't want to die Barry. Because when you die, you won't be able to save people anymore. You won't have sunrises and sunsets. You won't get Dad's Grandma Esther noodle recipe anymore. You won't be able to kiss me every morning and say 'good morning sunshine'. You will lose everything. And most of all, everything will lose you." Iris held him close to her heart so he could hear it beating.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry." Barry rested his head in her crook of her neck.

"I love you barry." Iris held and brushed his hair.

"I love you too." Barry sighed.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now