Bar times

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Barry is pissed off that iris gets hit on by not just one guy, two guys at the bar. Iris reassures him that he's the man she wants.

Barry was very uncomfortable going to a bar at this time of night. The team made him go out for once and tried to make him enjoy himself. It didn't work.

He was sitting with his wife Iris all night at their booth. He made sure he had his arm wrapped around her back to symbolize they're together, to all these drunks.

"So how about tomorrow?" Iris suggested to Barry.

"Iris, do you seriously want a dog? We already have the turtle!" Barry laughed.

"I think having a companion that can leave its cage would be nice." Iris giggled and leaned into Barry.

"I'll think about it." Barry let her lean on him and snuggled into her.

"I'm kind of tired. But I'm happy I'm in my makeshift bed." Iris sighed contently as she shut her eyes.

"If you want, you can sleep. I know Cisco would kill me if we left and it was my idea." Barry chuckled and iris felt it rumbling in his chest.

"It's okay babe. I can block out sound." Iris leant up to kiss his lips.

Barry obliged.

"Hey pretty lady." Said a drunk who leaned on his hands on their table.

Iris immediately looked at Barry conceded since she was closest to the drunk man.

"Bare." Iris whispered.

"Hey man, leave her alone alright?" Barry said as he switched places with Iris to be in front of her.

"What's a fine sexy fox doing here tonight?" Said the man stumbling over his feet.

"I said leave her alone. Get lost." Barry said as he got up and pushed the man out of the way.

"What if I don't want to." The man challenged Barry.

"I will slam you into this table if you don't leave me and my wife alone." Barry growled.

"You choose the wrong guy sweetheart." Said the drunk man to iris.

Barry quickly took the mans arm and pushed him over to the bar stools.

"Oh my god." Iris sighed out.

"It's okay. I thought that guy would never leave you alone." Barry said as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head.

"Yeah. That was..." iris had no words. "I've never been hit on by a drunk guy." Iris puffed out air.

"Seriously? I find that hard to believe." Barry chuckled.

"It's true. And thank you for protecting me." Iris smiled and kissed his lips.

"I'll always save you." Barry smiled against her lips.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick." Iris said as she patted Barry's chest and slid out of the booth.

"Be careful." Barry called out and she blew a little kiss to him.

When iris came out of the bathroom Barry noticed a guy blocking her way out of the entrance.

He sped over there and put his arms around Iris waist. She smiled and leaned into him.

"Mark, this is my husband." Iris smiled over at the man.

"Oh wow. Uh." Said the man scratching his neck.

"You didn't understand when I said, 'get away or my husband will tackle you?' That's strange." Iris said looking up at Barry.

"She's right. Get lost bucko." Barry said.

"Alright alright." Mark said as he walked away.

"That was embarrassing. For him I mean." Iris giggled and turned in Barry's arms.

"He's a jerk." Barry sighed.

"What's up? You seem upset?" Iris suggested and she moved a piece of gelled hair out of his adorable face.

"It's just." Barry sighed. "I wanted to have a nice night with you. A date night. Not a club night. And all these guys hitting on you? It's just not fair that they get between us." Barry said.

"Yeah like anyone could." Iris smiled up at Barry's rubbing his bicep. "Not when I have my big strong husband with me."

She flexed her bicep and giggled "or these guns."

Barry laughed at her cuteness. "No one can get passed those. I don't know it just feels weird having other guys be near you like I am supposed to be-" iris cut him off.

"Babe, you're the only guy I have eyes for. You should never be worried about me liking another guy. Except when it comes to Zac Enron. Then you should be worried." Iris giggled and kissed him.

"You're mine. Always have been always will be." Barry smiled and kissed her again.

"Always." She sighed content against his lips.

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. "Looks like someone's having a good time." Cisco walked pass the two kissing.

Barry Allen/Grant Gustin Imagines Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now