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Hello everyone! So as you know, this book and all my books mean the world to me. And all the readers and the voters mean the world to me. So thank you.

But in every crowd, there will be haters that want to make what you do miserable. And I'd like to clean up what they've spilled.

Recently, and a while ago (I didn't think much of it) people started private messaging me and telling me I'm "like 10 years old." Or "you dumb virgin, you can't write about sex" or "do you even know what masturbating is? Or even done it?" Or "have you ever had a kiss?" "You don't know grammar, skills, or common sense."
-exact messages.

I thought it was weird that out of all the people on this app, that you'd choose little old me to hate on. I didn't even think I had that many people looking so closely at my writing.

I'm not acting like a cry baby, or a tattle tale. I forgive the people that bothered me in my messages. And I thrive on constructive criticism.

You don't know how old I am. You don't know who I am. You've never met me. You've never seen me. You haven't had a conversation with me and you will never, never, know what I have gone through. Never.

I know I may be acting a bit dramatic, and thinking other people haven't suffered worse, but I know they have. And I know this is minor and silly.

Thank you dearly, to all the people that support me by reading and voting and commenting. You guys brighten my day! 

And one last thing, that I will make perfectly clear. Transparent—

I am NOT 10 years old. I AM a virgin. I DO know what masturbating is. And I HAVE done it. I HAVE kissed a guy before. I DO take grammar in school. I DO have skills. And I DO have common sense.

I'm thinking about writing something tonight. Maybe posting it tonight. Love you guys, love above all else✌️

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