Knight In Shining Armour

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Darien's POV

" Oh, thanks, Mrs. Gregory!!" Grandpa said to the old woman and I rolled my eyes. What's with this woman!!! Why is she always that important!!! Is my grandpa in love with this lady?!! God knows.

" It's alright, Mr. Krendler. Darien, you have to come as well. And don't be late. Tomorrow at my home on lunch." She said and I nodded smilingly.

" Sure." I said though I didn't want to go but she is close friend of my grandpa. If I don't go he will be very upset. I don't want to upset him. It's not good for him.

" We will be there in time." Grandpa said and I rolled my eyes inwardly.

" Yeah, we will be there in time. Thanks for inviting us." I said to her.

" You are welcome. I am going back to Greece the day after tomorrow. This why I wanted us to have a good time together. We won't be seeing each other for long." She said and I looked at her weirdly. Suddenly?!!

" You decided to go to Greece suddenly?" I asked her.

" Actually it's my granddaughter's graduation day. I have to be there. Otherwise she will be very upset. She loves me very much." She said and I nodded. I can understand her feelings. I smiled at her. She smiled at me back.

" She has a great grandma then. She is very lucky to have you as her grandmother." I said to her.

" You are also very lucky to have David as your grandfather. In fact you are the luckiest one to be considered. Your grandpa raised you all alone after your parents were gone. Not everyone will do that. Your grandpa is a Ironman." She said.

I smiled looking at my grandpa who really was my Ironman for me. He was my world for me. My only family I ever have. I have never seen my mom. I heard she died while giving birth to me. My father died when I was 5. So, technically I was an orphan before I could understand the meaning of parents well. Since then my old man was my everything. He always played the role of father and mother in my life. He raised me up like no less than a Prince. I always felt like I am a Prince of somewhere because he never let me feel that I don't have anything. He never let me realize that I don't have my parents. I have no regrets about that because God knows everything better. He knows it better why he made me an orphan. I won't complain. My parents are in a better place. Whatever happens, happens for a reason. That's what I do believe. 

" Yeah, I am. I am the luckiest one." I said to her. She nodded.

" Alright, David and Darien. I gotta go now. See you tomorrow. Don't keep me waiting." She said and I nodded.

" Goodnight, Mrs. Gregory." I said as she left and we came out with her.

" She has left already, David." I said to my old man as he was still looking at the door. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

" I know that. I have my own eyes to see that. You don't have to enlighten that to me." He said and I chuckled. "By the way where is your Cinderella? I haven't seen her since the evening." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" She was talking to the president so I let her talk to him." I said to him and he nodded.

" But Mr. President is currently talking to the prime minister. Where has she gone then?" He asked me.

I turned to see her nowhere. I sighed. Where does this girl keep disappearing all the time?! I told her to be with me all the time. See? She is nowhere now. I need to find her out but I don't think it's probably possible because there are a lot of people around. It's not that easy to reach her here like that. But still I have to find her out. Though she doesn't give any damn to the guys around trying to reach her but I just can't see anyone else around her it will make me crazy. I just don't wanna go crazy now.

" Wait here, Old man. I will find her out." I said to him.

" She must be fine. But it's Juliet's birthday the next week. Clear your schedules for next week. We have to go to London." He said. " After all I am her Grandpa too."

Oh, I forgot about her birthday. She would kicked me out of the world. Thanks to the old man to reminding me and saving me from her wild wrath. I just don't want to face that. She becomes a witch in wrath and then starts to reveal my secrets that she knows in front of everyone. This girl is just unbelievable.

Well, Juliet Kentworth is my cousin. She is the daughter of my parental aunt. She is just the only person who always boss around me. Just because she is my sister she has got that right otherwise no one actually have this authority over me. But she actually knows a lot of secrets. I can't hide things from her and she takes that chance to use them against me to blackmail me. Evil girl.

She and her girls has formed a girls group and even released an album last year. They are getting famous day by day. Her dream is coming true. I am happy for her. But I really miss her now. Because she is busy now. I am also busy. We can't make time to spend together like we did when we were kids.

" Ok. I am in. I had forgotten her birthday. Thanks for reminding me." I said to the old man.

" I knew that. Now all your attention is on the Cinderella. You will forget about the whole world." He said to me I gave him a flat expression. " One day you will tell me who is this old man? What is he doing here?" He told me and I rolled my eyes.

" Are you drunk or are you still in Mrs. Gregory, David?" I asked him.

" I am fine. I don't daydream like you." He said and I sighed. I regret talking things with him. Now he will make fun of me.

" You stay here. I will find her out then we can go home." I said to him.

" You enjoy your time with your Cinderella alone. I will just go home." He said.

I rolled my eyes. He left and I chuckled. No matter what my grandpa is the most important person in my life. More like a knight in shining armor.

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