Cold War

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Brielle's POV

" Brielle!!!" She called me and I rolled my eyes.

" I am doing my work here. I have no intentions to face you. Don't create a drama here." I gritted at her.

" I don't understand what are you doing here in this party. You should be in missions away from NYC." She said to me.

" As much as I want to do that but your old man stopped me, Mrs. Wittgenstein. I will really appreciate if you request him to send me back to my missions. I also don't want to be the same place where you are breathing in the same air. Seems like we both purely hate each other." I said to her. She rolled her eyes. " And the thing about being in NYC is not something that you will decide. I am a proud citizen of United States of America. I can live wherever I want. And I have build my house here with my very own savings. You can't complain about that. I will live in NYC, grandma or not." I said to her.

I just can't handle her sharp mouth. Sometimes I just think if only she wasn't my grandma I would do something to show her the place she belongs. To the garbage. I found the old man was coming. I rolled my eyes at once. Bloody hell is happening. Is everyone up to f*ck my brain today?!  What should I do to make myself feel comfortable?! I wish I would be at home watching Pokemon or watching movies with Enzy and Kelly or playing chess with Issy or just practicing with Seb. There were too many options but I have to stuck here in a awkward situation. I hate myself for being in such a situation these days. This stupid senator is the root of all these problems of my life. I have to uproot him from my life then all the problems will be uprooted my it's own.

" You here?" The old man asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" As you come here you should know who are actually coming to the party." I said to him.

" I know exactly who are to come here but you were not at all in the list." He said to me. I laughed dryly. Then gritted.

" You are really getting old, Mr. Wittgenstein. Did you forget that you told me to babysit the senator?! I am only doing that. You should have a vacation. Should I ask the president for that? You know he likes me more than you." I said to him. He just rolled his eyes. " By the way, old man, you should take your lady on a date. See? She is very grumpy these days. Have you taken away the cards from her that she is not able to do her shopping properly?! You should have asked me to help you then. You know I don't need that much I get paid every month. So, she can have some from me and have fun." I said to him.

" Brielle!!" My grandma gritted. I chuckled.

" People are watching. Bye. I wish to see you never but that's actually not possible so wish we seldom meet. It will be great for all of us." I said.

" Where is Darien? I didn't see him yet." My grandpa said to me.

" Relax!! I came here with him only. I didn't come to whore around this party. You know this better that I just hate this kind of party. Because it's so hard to wear this kind of stuff and harder to be a girl acting like one and hardest to be nice to all the people when all you want to do is snack down their head somewhere hard." I said to him and he sighed.

" Ok, go." He said.

" Hmm... I also don't wish to see you both. But what can I do here?!! My bad luck. People I don't even want to see are always around." I said to them and walked out of there.

I was walking around to find out the biggest problem of my life in the crowd then I realized that he is always the center of attention. I won't just find him out like that. I better sit somewhere quietly and he himself will find me out later. I sat on the bar corner and order for a drink. I was looking at the people talking about business and politics all around. Two thinks I just hate. I sipped my drink and someone sat next to me. I ignored his presence. I don't want to get involved with anyone. I just want to go home and have sleep. It's must go me now I am having lack of sleep these days and I am having weird kind of sleeping patterns. I need the proper one.

" Hi!!" The guy sitting next to me said and I turned to see him.

" Hi!!" I said though I didn't want to talk to him.

" You are alone here?! I saw you are sitting alone here for long time." He said to me.

" First of all I am not alone here, you are also sitting here. Secondly, you should enjoy the party not look at me from long." I said to him.

" Yeah, I know. Don't take me wrong. I was just wondering why are you sitting alone here. If you are uncomfortable then I will just leave." He said.

" It would be better if I could tell you to leave but the reality is I can't because it's not at all a good manner. So, that means you can sit here as long as you want. I am no one to tell you to go." I said to him and he chuckled.

" I am John Coselotti. Nice to meet you." He said extending his hand toward me. I shook his hand.

" Brielle Wittgenstein." I said. " Same here."

" I have never seen you before." He said.

" I have never seen you before as well. Why didn't that surprise me like it did to you?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" But why am I too surprised to see you here, John?" I heard Mr. Senator saying.

" Oh, Darien. You are here as well. I see." John said to him. " Unexpected. No?"

I literally didn't understand what's the cold war between them?!!

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