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Darien's POV

" Mr. Krendler, this is kinda very important. You have to cooperate with us. Otherwise things may get worsen." They said to me and I sighed deeply.

" Who informed that to you guys? I am sure there is someone behind this all." I said to them. 

" Sir, it's the headquarter who actually informed us about this whole thing. We are just working under their comands." They said.

" Hmm... alright. Go through what you guys are asked to do. I am not at all interfering in your works. You guys can do your stuffs." I said to them and they nodded.

" Ok, then I will take my leave. I don't think I am needed to be present here. If you guys need me then give me a call. I will try my best to help you guys in everything." I said to them and they nodded.

I came out of FBI office building. I don't know from where those documents came into grandpa's office but my grandfather can never ever do something like that. It was a conspiracy. Totally a false accuse against him. Grandpa has always worked for the country and he used to love his people more than himself. He can never ever betray his country. I will not believe that even if God himself says that to me.

I came home and found my wife sitting there with her friends and everyone were waiting for me. I can say that. They all stood up seeing me. She literally ran to me.

" What happened, Darien? What has those officers said?" She asked me and I smiled.

" Still nothing. They are trying to find out the connection. Soon everything will be cleared." I said and she sighed deeply.

" I called Mr. President. He said that he will take care of the matter. He will help you." She said and I smiled.

" My grandpa hasn't done anything so relax. Nothing will happen. Everything will be fine." I said to her.

" Ok. If you say so." She said worriedly.

" Can you make me a coffee?" I asked her and she smiled widely.

" Of course. You go sit with them. I will bring your coffee." She ran to the kitchen. I chuckled before walking toward her friends and sat next to Issy.

" Hey!!! What's up? Everything ok?" He asked me.

" Good." I said.

" Why had they call you?" Roberto asked me.

" They needed to clear out something." I said to him.

" What did they say?" Cameron asked me.

" Just about grandpa. Nothing serious." I said.

" If you want I can talk to grandpa to help you out in this situation." Sebastian said.

" My grandpa hasn't done anything like that so no need to be panicked. Nothing will happen. I do trust that this is a great misunderstanding and it will be cleared soon but still if I need your help I will let you know that." I said to them and Josie was sitting there very silently from the start. I sighed.

She was there when my grandpa passed away. She went to check him and found him struggling to breath. She cried a lot describing how she tried her best but couldn't save him. I mean she is a doctor but doctors are also human they are not God to save someone's life. They can try to help the patients. No doctor in the world will be willing to kill the patients. They tried their best to save the patient but still if the patient passes away then they are not responsible for that. But Josie was very upset these days saying if she went to check on him awhile earlier then she could've helped him. But it was his fate. That's what was allotted for him in the end of the day.

" What happened, Josie? Are you still upset about the matter?" I asked her. She sighed deeply.

" I can't forgive myself for that ever, Darien. I should've been there all the night. The patient could need me anytime. But I wasn't there. I was out of there when I should have been there." She said.

" You are a human too not some supreme creature. You need to take rest as well. We saw you how you were with him all the day since he got admitted there. It's not your fault. We are really grateful to you for your kindness." Issy said to her. She sighed deeply.

" I was checking his autopsy report yesterday." She said and turn to me. I looked at her confusedly. What is she trying to say?!

" Anything wrong in that?" I asked her. She sighed deeply.

" I don't know if I should tell this to you or not but, Darien, " she stopped. "I don't know why I am thinking like this but I just had a feeling that someone has killed your grandpa." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" Killed him?!! Why would someone kill him?! He didn't even have any enemies. People loved him from their heart. Who will kill such a person?! Isn't it funny what you are saying?!!" I asked her.

" I have several reasons to talk about that. When he was brought to the hospital immediately after the accident he recognized me. He tried to say something all the time. He kept calling you and Brielle and one more word I could figure out was danger. He several times said White House but couldn't complete his sentence. Another thing he said was someone called Kolton. When he was dying he several times called you and Brielle kept saying dangers. And then his autopsy report. It says that he consumed some poison before the accident which no sane person will take by himself. That means he was unaware of that and someone made him have it. It must be someone who was in that party that day he attended. He must knew something what that person didn't want to get revealed. Your grandpa said that word danger after calling you and Brielle that means you guys are not safe around. You guys are in danger." She said and I kept looking at her completely shocked. What is she saying?!! I was about to say something but we heard Brielle screaming and reached the kitchen found her holding her hand.

" What happened, babe?" I asked her.

" Got an electric shock." She chuckled.

" Short-circuit." Cameron said showing the wires.

I looked at him weirdly. Was Josie guessing the right thing?! Was it the sign of big destruction?!!

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