Spoil The Mood

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Brielle's POV

" Sorry, Katherine, we can't help you this time." Mr. Jones said.

" What?! Why not, Mr. Jones? You told me last night that you can give me that loan. Now why are you saying something else?" I asked him.

" I thought it will not harm that much. But I am extremely sorry. I can't give you that loan this time. We already have huge numbers of applicant on line. If we give you the chance then there is a chance that we can lose a branches of regular clients. I don't want to take any risk." He said.

" We are also your regular client, Mr. Jones." I said to him. He chuckled.

" Yes, you are. But your amount is huge. We can provide that amount to at least 3 or 4 applicants." He said to me.

" Ultimately the results will be the same." I said to him.

" No, the interest rate will vary. Besides then we can give loan to at least 4 clients. They will stay in touch with us then." He said to me. I rolled my eyes.

" Show me a difference then. It will ultimately be the same." I said to him.

" No, Katherine, you are not getting that. My bank can't give you any loans at this moment but if you wait for 1 year then I can assure you that you will get the loan. But if you want that now I can't help you with that. If it's very important and urgent then I can arrange it for you." He said.

" Arrange from where?" I asked him.

" I have some friends who will lend you the amount. You don't have to even pay any interest but they wants a partnership in your business. How does that sounds?" He asked me.

" Awful." I gritted.

" Hmm... Ok then. If nothing works then you have this option still yours." He said to me and I sighed deeply.

" I will think about it and let you know." I said to him.

I walked out of there and was thinking about what to do here. I don't know how to arrange the money if they don't lend me the money. I need the money as soon as it possible but it seems the loan can be arranged this time. Should I agree with Mr. Jones to have loans from his friends?!! I don't know what should I do now?!

" Hey, Katherine!!" Someone called me and I turned to see Mr. Jackson. One of our clients.

" Oh, Mr. Jackson." I said and he chuckled.

" That's great that you remember my name." He said. I chuckled.

" Why won't I? I definitely remember your name." I said to him.

" I am glad that you do." He said and I chuckled. " Long time no see, huh?" He asked me.

" Yeah, I was busy with my job." I said to him.

" Yeah, I am seeing you after long time." He said and I nodded.

" Same here anyways." I said to him.

" So, you are on vacation now?" He asked me. I chuckled.

" Yeah, the permanent one." I said to him.

" What do you mean?" He asked me.

" I resigned." I said to him.

" Oh, why?" He asked me.

" The job was getting on my nerves." I said to him. He chuckled.

" Yeah, it's very hard working." He said.

" It's not about that. My boss wasn't considerate at all." I said to him and he chuckled.

" How can someone not be considerate of you?! If it was me then I wouldn't do something like that." He said.

" He is my grandfather." I said to him.

" Ohh!! Still didn't consider you?" He asked me.

" No, he is too honest to show mercy." I said to him.

" Alright, what are you doing these days?" He asked me.

" Trying to do something but still now am not actually succeeded yet." I said to him.

" What are you trying to do?" He asked me.

" Trying to open another wing in the west." I said to him.

" That's a great idea." He said to me.

" Yeah but we don't have enough fund. I was trying to have a loan from the bank." I said to him.

" Then?" He asked me.

" Then nothing. They didn't accept my application. They can't give me the amount at this moment." I said to him.

" Oh!! That's bad. But if you want I can arrange you the loan." He said.

" No, thanks, Mr. Jackson. I will try to get the loan by my own but thanks for the offer. I will take my leave now. I am wasting your time." I said to him.

" I never count the time on waste if it's spend with a beautiful woman like you." He said and I chuckled.

" It never worked on me before, Mr. Jackson. It will not work on me ever." I said to him. He chuckled.

" Never let the chance go." He said.

" You didn't even have the chance." I said to him. " But anyways. Thank you." I said and walked out of there.

Wasting my time with a guy like him who doesn't deserve it is a stupidity. I found my phone was ringing when I was coming out of the bank. I picked it up at once. It was an unknown number.

" Hello!!" I said.

" Brielle!!" I heard a very familiar voice.

" Speaking. Who is that?" I asked her.

" It's Georgia Wittgenstein." And I realized who it was. It was my dear grandmother. I chuckled.

" Mrs. Wittgenstein!!! What a pleasant surprise!! How did you get my number?" I asked her.

" Does it matter?" She asked me.

" If you say then it doesn't." I said to her.

" How are you doing?" She asked me.

" Not dead I think." I said to her.

" Hmm... Heard you have resigned." She said.

" Right you have heard." I said to her.

" Why do you resign?" She asked me.

" Because I am not a robot, ma'am." I said to him. " If you only called me for that then I will be hanging up. I have other things to catch up." I said and hung up.

I don't want to stop my mood right now.

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