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Darien's POV

" Everything ok?" Sebastian asked me and I shook my head.

" My wife is inside with her girls. Other than that everything is ok." I said to him sighing deeply.

" You should have known that, Dude. You got the most evil one." Cameron said checking his gun.

" Don't be so sarcastic, Bro. Josie is also inside." Roberto said and I sighed.

" We just have to capture them alive. No one should be dead." Sebastian said to his team and they nodded.

" What about the girls?" Taylor asked.

" They will save themselves even if there are other people they will save them as well." Roberto said. I sighed.

God, keep them save. We reached the White House in 20 minutes and it was very surprising to see there were no guards around the gate.

" Look, Ms. West." Taylor said and I nodded.

" This can be an opportunity." Roberto said. I nodded smirking.

" I am going, guys. Cover me." I said to them.

" Come out alive. Don't make my sister a widow in this early age." Issy said to me. I rolled my eyes.

" Your sister is there trying to make me a widower." I said to him.

" Ok. Go now. Don't waste time." He said and I sighed deeply before reaching Ms. West.

" Ms. West!!" I called her. She turned and got shocked finding me there.

" Oh!!! Darien!! What are you doing here? I thought you are staying in Milan these days." She said.

" Yeah, I was but Mr. President called me to sign the resignation letter yesterday so that he can officially appoint someone else to be the senator." I said to her.

" Oh!!! People are going to miss you a lot." She said and I chuckled.

" I know that. But nothing can be done with this now." I said.

" Let's go inside then." She said.

" Sure." I said and gestured them to get in already.

" So, what are you doing these days there?" She asked me.

" Still haven't decided yet. May be I will continue our family business now. I don't have any plans for myself. Do you have any suggestions?" I asked her.

" Enjoy some time with your wife now. She needs your attention as well. You can think about work later." She said. I chuckled.

" Surely. I will remember your words." I said to her.

She nodded and we entered the house. She looked around and felt a bit weird as there were no one to welcome. Usually there are people around to welcome but there were no one today. I think my wife and her girls started their works already. I chuckled inwardly.

" Darien!!" She called me.

" Yes, Ms. West?" I said.

" Don't you think there is something weird?" She asked me.

" What will be weird? Everything is ok." I said.

" But where are the people around?" She asked me.

" May be they have weekly meeting." I said out of nowhere.

" At this hour?" She asked me and I shrugged.

" I don't know. I wasn't even in USA these days, Ms. West." I said and we reached the conference room. I found the other culprits. I calmed myself down.

" Good evening, everyone." I said to them.

" Darien!!!" Mr. Bonnet said.

" Yeah, Mr. President asked me to come and sign the resignation letter." I said to him.

" Mr. President is not here." He said.

" Has he gone somewhere?" I asked him.

" Don't know. The whole house is empty." He said.

" How can that be possible?" I asked them. They didn't answer me. " Ok, I will go and see." I said and walked out of there. I was going upstairs suddenly someone pulled me behind the wall and the next moment I heard the gunshots. I turned and found my angry wife giving me death glare. I sighed and hugged her tightly.

" Don't touch me. I hate you." She said.

" What have I done now?" I asked her.

" You hide things from me." She said. I was going to answer her but there were a series of gunshot. She pulled me out of there. I sighed.

" Hide there." She said to me and took her gun out.

" Sebastian said they need to capture everyone alive." I said to her and she glared at me as I heard a gunshot again. She hold my hand and dragged me out of there.

" Can't you keep quiet?" She asked me.

" Sorry, Babe." I said and she nodded.

" It's ok. Stay here." She said and I nodded. She picked out her gun.

" Sebastian said-" I was about to said that again and she pressed her lips on mine.

" I know. This ain't a regular gun. It's anesthesia. Next time they will wake up will discover themselves behind bars." She said and I chuckled.

I found Ms. West coming toward us. She was pointing her gun at Brielle and I took my gun and shoot the glass behind her. Brielle didn't waste any time. She shot her anesthesia at Ms. West and in a few moment she was on the floor.

" Wow!!! It works so fast." I said and she smiled kissing my cheek.

" Thanks, Babe." She said.

" For what?!" I asked her not understanding why she was saying that.

" For saving my life." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" You thought I will see her shot you?" I asked her she smiled before pecking on my lips.

" You are so hot when you are angry, Mr. Krendler. It makes me want to eat you alive." She said. I sighed.

" This is not the right place to say that." I said and she walked inside the kitchen opening the fridge she picked out some fruits.

" What are you doing, Babe?" I asked her.

" Hunger fact." She said biting on the apple. I sighed. She is acting weird these days. I have to take her to doctor tomorrow first.

" Watch out." I said as I saw Mr. Jennings there. He was about to shot me and I targeted him as well but my wife shot him with her anesthesia gun before that. I sighed.

" Neither I can see someone hurt you." She said and we heard a noise outside.

" Let's go, Babe." I said and she took two more apples in her pocket. I shook my head helplessly.

We went downstairs only to found the others have captured everyone already. They had their gang waiting outside. They got the best welcome from Sebastian and his team and here the girls rocked along with the officers.

" Ms. West and Mr. Jennings are upstairs." Brielle said and Linda nodded.

I can't believe this mission was successful without losing any lives. I was thinking about it.

" Brie!!" Josie screamed and I found her lying on the ground.

Hell!!! How was that happen?!!

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