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Darien's POV

" How is everything?" Grandpa asked me.

" Not at all good. There were big issues when I was bringing her back to the hotel suite. They made a fuss saying why is she unconscious, who she was like other blah blah blah." I said to him. " And he is still unconscious." I said to him.

" She will be fine. How is her wound?" He asked me.

" Bullet hit her shoulder. Other cuts are not that serious. The major one is on her shoulder." I said to him and he sighed deeply.

" I think it wasn't a good idea to drag her into this game." He said and I sighed.

" I told you it's not the high time to reach her. But everything messed. See?" I said to him.

" No time to talk about this now. The only thing we should focus about is to find out the culprits." He said. I gritted.

" I swear if the culprits are John and his mother then I will make them pay for this whole thing." I said to him.

" Calm down, Darien. We have to take steps very carefully." He said and I tried to control my anger. He was right being angry will only distract me. I need to stay calm and handle things.

" Alright. As you say." I said to him.

" Good. Don't let them get a peace of mind." He said.

" Hmm... I will not." I said to him.

" When are you coming back? May be Moscow will not be the safe place for you for now. It's better to come back home now." He said to me.

" Very soon." I said to him.

" Ok. Try to make things private." He said to me.

" We are. You too use your influence and find out if John and his mother is involved in this." I said to him.

" Sure. I will. You don't have to think about it. Just relax." He said.

" Ok, then. You too. Be safe and take care of yourself, old man." I said to him and hung up.

I kept the phone aside and reached the bed where she was sleeping peacefully. I sighed. I just can't lose her. It's too much dreading when she suddenly jumped into the danger and followed the culprits and started to chase them in person. Grandpa was saying that she is used to it but I don't find that is a useful information for me. If she is use to it still it's risky for her and she has already hurt. She is hurt badly. Now even if she is well trained it didn't work in that account. I sighed deeply looking at her sleeping face. I sat next to her looking at her sleeping self completely covered with the quilt.

God must have taken whole a year vacation when he created her. I have never seen a human being this flawless. Literally I don't find a hsingle flaw on her. She is a goddess. No one can find a single flaw on her. I don't blame people who die for her but the thing is she belongs to me and they can't have her. They should step back cause I have no intention to do that. What I want is mine and I want her.

I was about to lie down on the bed next to her but my phone started to ring again. I grabbed my phone and it was an unknown number. I picked the call up. May be someone important. But who will call me at this hour of night?! God knows who is too dying to talk to me.

" Hello!!" I said.

" Mr. Krendler!!" I heard a familiar voice but couldn't recognize who it was.

" Speaking but who is that?" I asked him back.

" I am Adam Wittgenstein." He said and I rolled my eyes. Brielle's grandfather.

" Oh, Mr. Wittgenstein, my bad. I couldn't recognize you. Suddenly you called me out of nowhere?! Everything ok?" I asked him.

" How is Brielle?" He asked me and I chuckled.

" Still alive. Too bad they couldn't shoot her perfectly. If they could then she would be gone." I said to him.

I was really very furious with this man since the day Brielle explained how her grandparents hates her existence, how they left a little girl to die, how they kept hurting all these years. It doesn't matter which reason is behind their cruelty against her still it doesn't count in it. A child can't something to make you hate herself. You can't be aggressive toward a child and make her feel that she is disgusting. I don't care why they did that. I only know that they hurt Brielle and they hurt me by hurting her. Whoever doesn't like her, I don't like them as well. That's it.

" How much is the wound?" He asked me.

" She will be fine. Nothing for your concern, Sir. But I really appreciate that you called. I thought she doesn't have anyone who actually cares for her as she was appointed to assure my security." I said and he stayed silent for awhile. " Oh, will she be suspended because she is injured now?! She really needs a break. She is not a robot actually. She needs to get well at first." I said to him.

" Is that a serious injury?" He asked me.

" She has lost a lot of blood. Still unconscious if that's what you want to know." I said to him.

" Alright. When she wakes up tell her to call me." He said to me.

" Will you have time to listen to her even then?" I asked him.

" Of course. I will always have time for her. No worries about that." He said to me.

" Alright. I will tell her that admiral was searching for her." I said to her.

" Tell her that her grandfather has called her." He said and I chuckled.

" Whatever you think is perfect for you." I said to him.

" I will hung up then. Thank you for taking care of her." He said.

" No need to mention." I said to him and hung up.

Odd thing is I still need to be polite with some people whom I don't like at all. What a life!!!

SLS#9# Arrow Of SeductionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora