What The Hell!!!

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Brielle's POV

" Stop looking at me like that. If you don't like Pokemon then keep your eyes closed you don't have to watch Pokemon. No one has forced you to do so. So, just do it. Don't look at me. Look away." I said to Mr. Krendler who was looking at me weirdly and turned to see my boyfriend. Pikachu.

Thousands of kisses to him. I just love that cute little Pokemon. Well, who doesn't!!! I am just in love with Pikachu. If he was for real then I would get married with him. My cute little boyfriend. I just am going to be crazy about him someday. I just would love and enjoy being his wife. It would be an honor to be his wife actually. I am literally obsessed with Pikachu.

" Awwwwwwwww, he is so cute." I said to myself.

" Who?" He asked me.

" Pikachu." I said to him and he rolled his eyes. I rolled my eyes as well. " By the way, where are we going?" I asked him as he still didn't tell me about that.

" To the party I have told you already. Why are you asking about that again?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" That party must be taking place in a specific place. I wanted to know the name of the place." I said to him.

" You will know that when we reach there." He said.

" I hate going to the parties if my friends are not there with me." I said to him.

" Hmm... But I don't think you have any other option this time. Your friends are not available. So, you have to." He said to me.

" How do you know that my friends are not available?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" I just know that. Most of them are on a mission in Egypt. Then comes about Cameron who will not face me willingly again. Your cousin Sebastian is busy with his wife who recently found out that she is pregnant and Issac has gone to attend a wedding to Switzerland with his fiance. So, literally no one is around to accompany you in the party." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" I should have gone to Egypt with my friends. You have destroyed my plan. I was going to lead them. Now that stupid Linda is with them." I said to him.

" I am very happy that I destroyed your plan. You don't have to risk your life every time." He said to me. " And one more thing. Don't judge someone without knowing the truth of their life. They must have gone through the worst that you can't even imagine." He said to me. I looked at him weirdly.

" It's my life and I will decide whether to risk it or not. And I don't think I don't know what suffering is. Because it's my best friend beside Josie." I said to him. He chuckled.

" Trouble should be your best friend as well." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" Trouble is my boyfriend. We are going to get married soon." I said to him.

" I thought Cameron Wilson is your boyfriend." He said and I gave him a death glare which literally didn't work on him. It didn't even effect him a bit.

" Yes, he is. I will get married with him soon." I said irritatingly.

" That day will never ever come. Trust me. You are never ever going to marry him or anyone else in the world." He said to me.

" Then I will marry you. Don't worry." I said to him totally pissed.

" I don't have any problem either." He said to me. " You can be a perfect wife." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" I can be a perfect trouble maker. Each day with a new trouble. Very excited married life." I said to him and he chuckled.

" No thrill no chill. Generating trouble is good for something at least." He said to me.

" I will not marry anyone. I want to live my life by my own. I have a lot of dreams and ambitions but getting married is not one of them. I am not planning to get married at least in next 15 years. If I change my mind after that then it's different." I said to him. He chuckled.

" Promises are made to be broken. So, you also will join that promise breaker's party soon. I don't have any doubt about that." He said to me.

" What do you mean?" I asked him.

" I mean we have reached already." He said to me and I rolled my eyes before getting down from the car.

I checked my gun which I had hidden inside my dress actually it was on my thigh. Easy to get it through the slit of the dress. Enzy forced me to wear this dress when she heard that I am coming to a party with Mr. Senator. It's one of those dresses I have never worn but God knows why they are in my closet. Cause they are not going to be used ever. They are crazily stuffed inside the closet. Most of the time Josie and Kelly have bought them for me though I say no to my girls. The more I tell them not to irritate me the more they do the opposite. I don't understand if they are my friends or enemies. Recently Enzy has joined their team who are now trying to find out a suitable groom for me. I am very pissed with that idea but can't just stop them. Like they will stop even if I tell them.

" What are you thinking about?" I heard his voice and shook my head.

" I am fine." I said to him and walked inside with him. I rolled my eyes. No familiar face. Very well. I am going to get bored like hell.

I just was sticked with Mr. Krendler when I saw a very Gloria Enssel there. What the hell is she doing here!!!! I rolled my eyes. Has this bi*ch got someone political this time!!! Who knows!!! After all it's her work to seduce people around. Damn it. I was going to turn around but a very familiar face stopped me at once. What the hell!!!

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