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Brielle's POV

Someone is talking around. I can't get it. I was like having a hill over my eyelids which can't be removed any soon. I was trying to open my eyes but it wasn't that easy at all. I was so doomed. Why am I feeling so weak suddenly?!! God knows what actually is happening to me.

" Ok, we are coming back in 3 days. No worries. Everything will be fine." I heard a very familiar voice.

Where was I?! Why can't I remember anything?! Damn me!! Will someone tell me what the hell is happening here?! Why can't I remember anything?!!

" Yeah, take it. Tell them that I want to meet them in 3 days. If they want to be safe then they shouldn't make me angry at all. I hope you will be able to make them understand that. Convince them anyhow. I don't care what they think about it." The same voice said and I gritted as the pain was unbearable.

Specially on my right shoulder. I tried to clutch my shoulder but my hand was like paralyzed. I wasn't able to move it. I was suffering as hell. I wasn't ran over by a bulldozer. But still it is feeling intense pain on my shoulder. I was dying with that. Where the hell I am?!!

" Tell them if they want to keep things protected and up then they should accept this proposal. They shouldn't make me angry." That person said to someone he was talking with.

Which proposal!! What is going on?! How come a man broke into my room like that?!! Why didn't I stop him?! What the hell has happened to me?! Damn!!! I was dying already I think.

" There us no word calls trying. Do it now." He growled and I gritted. 

Why is he so angry!!! Who is dying?!! May be something bad happened. I wasn't going to stay here. I was totally paralyzed. My body was frozen.

" Alright. Call me when you are finished what you have told to do." Suddenly I got the voice. It was Darien's.

Suddenly I remembered what happened. Oh, God!!! We went on a date and someone tried to attack Darien. I followed that shooter and got that bullet on my shoulder. This why it is hurting as hell. This why it is not moving. This why I must have given some medicine to heal it properly.

Then I remembered the last part of that incident and I gritted. I opened my eyes and found myself in the hospital bed. I looked ahead only to find my crazy stupid boyfriend who has pulled a very brave stunt against me. I need to ask him for an explanation. He just can't do this to me. But he already has done that. I mean I could save myself. I am well trained to come out alive from this kind of situation. I just don't need to be protected by someone else. I can protect myself. I can do that. But he didn't let me reach that culprits. If I could reach them I could have get some information from them. I could find them out with the masterminds. But he had to interfere. We have to negotiate on that. We have to. This can't be like that all the time.

" Darien, you stupid!!!" I gritted and he turned and found me wake up from that death sleep.

" I will talk to you later." He hung up the call and walked towards me.

" Hey, you wake up!!!" He sat next to me and hold my hand which was free from the IV tubes.

I glared at him. Though I tried to pull out my hand from his hold but I couldn't because the effect of the medicines which hold me completely paralyzed and his hold was so farm to fight with.

" How are you feeling now?" He asked me but I didn't answer him. " Is that paining? Wait, I will call the doctor first." He said.

" No need just stand there silently. Let me settle things with you first." I said to him.

" What happened, Babe?" He asked me.

What happened?!! Like really?!! He asked that?! Are you freaking kidding me?!!

" How the hell did I come here?" I asked him.

" I brought you here. Definitely." He said and I rolled my eyes. " I took you to the hotel room first then when everything was cleared brought you here. That's it." He said.

" Very well." I said. " How long has been after that?" I asked him.

" It's been approximately 36 hours by now." He said to me and my eyes open widened.

I am doomed. I didn't inform the headquarter yet!!! It is strictly ordered to inform the headquarter about this kind of matter within 12 hours. I bet the old man is going to send me to the Antarctica mission next. Though it's not a big deal. I have been there twice. Both of those missions were punishments for my tricky pranks. But this time it was a serious issue. I don't know what will happen. I have plans if he fires me. I will go back to Milan and help my grandparents to run their hotels there. I love it anyways. Do I have other choices?!! I have to leave. I just hate being in such kind of situation and Darien will not understand that because he doesn't have any idea about my grandparents.

" Give me my phone. I need to talk to the admiral." I said to him.

" Your grandpa called and said talk to him after you get well completely." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" No, he didn't." I said to him. " I even had to inform him when I was worse than this situation before. So, do not give me a false reason. It will not work." I said to him.

" You tell me can you be in any worse situation than this, Babe?! You can't move. Your body is frozen. What will be the worse situation than this?!" He asked me. I rolled my eyes.

" You will not let me talk to the admiral?" I asked him.

" No." He said firmly. I sighed.

" Then the responsibility is yours." I said to him.

" I am taking all of your responsibility from now onwards. You don't have to worry." He said before kissing me on my forehead. I sighed.

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