Fever Of Love

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Darien's POV

" Why is this so silly!!! Huh!!" She said on the phone. She called her home to inform them that she is with me.


" Chuck it, Issy." She gritted and I chuckled.

Her expressions are still the same. She hasn't change in past 8 years. She is still the little kid just her height has increased a bit and she looks a bit more matured which she is not in real. Because I still do remember she was a crazy fan of Pikachu back then. Still now she is weirdly crazy go Pikachu which she shouldn't be. But what can I do with that?!! That imaginary cartoon character become number one enemy of mine. I sighed deeply.

I still remember the day I met her. I was in Milan with my grandpa for a few days back as there was a conference that he was to attend. I used to get bored sitting alone in the hotel room and this why I tried to explore the city that day when I met her. It was a very weird thing. I found a group of school students collecting fund for the refugees around the world so that they can give the fund to those organization who are working for them. I was very curious about these school students. I sat on the roadside bench across the road observing them. The girl who was leading the whole group was she herself. Warm smile, shiny blonde hair, twinkling blue eyes, milk white skin. She was glowing.

•••••Flash Back•••••

Mandarin Oriental

Milan, Italy
8:30 AM

" Oh, come on!!! Why do I need to accompany you in such things. I am not a kid anymore, old man. I can take care of myself." I said to Grandpa.

" I am not that old yet, boy. So, Chuck it, ok?" Grandpa said. I rolled my eyes.

" Yeah, I will find you girlfriend. Enjoy your time with her." I said to him.

" Not a bad idea." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

" Are you dating someone without informing me, old man?! Look at yourself. You are glowing. Are you trying to get back your youth which is of course of no use." I said to him and he chuckled.

" I am younger than you from the point of mentality. I am 64. Still enjoying my life here you are only 18, boy. You have just caged yourself inside your own world which is also of no use." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" I am getting trained, helping your stuffs, going to college when will I get time to enjoy myself, Old man?" I asked him.

" You still have to find out some time to yourself, boy. You can't forget yourself totally." He said and I sighed.

" I will think about it." I said to him and he chuckled.

" I will be get going then. If you want you can roam around and explore the city with Cole. You will enjoy it anyways." He said before walking out of the room. I sighed deeply.

I tried to distract myself playing games on my phone for awhile but that didn't work. I turned the TV on to check the news and it turned the worst. I found most of the news was about those terrific accidents, murders and other problems that was currently occuring. I turned of the TV. I was very frustrated. I took my phone and called grandpa.

" Hey!! What's up?!! Already bored?" Grandpa asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" I am going out exploring the city." I said to him.

" Ok, take Cole with you." He said.

" Why do I have to take him with me?! I can go there alone. I am not a kid anymore. I will be 19 very soon. You no need to worry about me, old man." I said to him.

" I need to be worried about you, Darien. You are my only family." He said to me and I chuckled.

" You have a daughter and grandkids as well." I said to him.

" They don't live with me." He said. "Besides, you are my heir." He said to me.

" There is John who is also your heir." I said to him.

" He is no one to me. He and his mother have done enough. Why bother to think about them anyways?" He asked me and I chuckled.

" Alright, you handle your meetings and I am going to explore the city. No worries. I will take Cole with me. You relax." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Ok, bye. The meeting is going to start. The President arrived." He said.

" Ok, say hi to him for me." I said and he chuckled.

" Sure. But he will join us at dinner tonight. You can say that in person to him then." He said.

" Oh, ok then. Bye. You attend the meeting." I said.

" Bye, take care." He said before hanging up.

I walked out of the hotel along with Cole. Though Cole was the definition of boring stuff. But can't help he is my grandpa's first choice always. I think I will get old seeing Cole around me. Pity me!!! I know.

We were walking around and it was freezing cold around. I was thinking it was a bad idea to come out of the hotel room. I should have slept for a few hours. Just then I found a group of kids may be they were school students. I was curious to see actually what they were doing.

" Excuse me, ma'am. If you don't mind can you please tell me what are they doing over there?" I asked a passerby. 

" Oh, these kids!!" She smiled looking at them. " They are are raising funds to help those charity organization who helps the refugees around the world." She said.

" Oh, that's great. Thanks, Ma'am." I said to her. She left and I sat there watching them from the other side of the road.

Suddenly a girl arrived and talked to them. I wasn't able to see her face. Her back was facing me. She had shiny blonde hair glowing brightly. As soon as she turned it was a boom!!! I kept looking at her without blinking. She was from those fairytale walking down straight from heaven.

.....Flash Back Ends.....

" Hey!!! Where are you lost?" I found her waving at me. I hold her hand and pulled her in my arms. She squealed in the sudden act.

" What happened?! You scared me." She said said and I chuckled. " Are you having fever again?" She asked me.

" Yes, you got me that. Fever of love." I said and she rolled her eyes. 

" Crazy guy." She stated. I chuckled.

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