Little Prince

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Brielle's POV

" Everything will be fine." He said to me as he was sitting with me all that time.

I was too horrified seeing all those worried face around. I couldn't take that anymore. Please, God, save Enzy. Please!!! Please!!!

I just wiped my tears watching Kelly sobbing. I hold her hand and she gave me a sad look. I tried to smile a bit.

" She will be fine." I said.

" I was at home, Brie. I couldn't help her. If only she would tell me that she needs something but she didn't give me that chance. I wish I would be with her this afternoon then it won't be happened. Never ever." She said and I hugged her patting her back. She was scared and worried. She is blaming herself since we reached the hospital.

" Don't worry, Kels. They will be fine." I said and she cried hugging me tightly.

This was so hard for me to see everything messing up like this. I can't just take it. It's too hard for me. I found Issy trying to comfort aunt Marcella. Uncle Shane and Seb went to talk to the doctors.

I found Karina and Nancy sitting there speechless. Tear marks were still visible on their cheeks. They never wanted to hear such a news just when we all were planning for Seb and Enzy's 2nd anniversary tomorrow. Everything was done just the person for whom the party was now is fighting for her life inside the OT room. Damian was trying to comfort his fiance but she was too shocked to be convinced.

Josie was inside the OT with the doctors. She was swearing before entering the OT that she will not claim to be a doctor anymore if she can't help Enzy today. She said to keep faith on God.

I found Cameron and Roberto coming toward us. They sat next to Kelly giving me a small smile.

" How is everything going?" Roberto asked.

" Not good." I said.

" Everything will be ok. Keep your faith on God." Cameron said and I looked at him weirdly for awhile. Josie said the exact thing when she walked inside the OT.

" What?" Cameron asked.

" Nothing." I shook my head." Literally nothing."

" Where is Josie?" Roberto asked looking around.

" She is inside the OT." I said and she nodded.

" Is Mackenzie's family informed already?" Cameron asked me.

" We decided to inform them later. They are in the flight to attend the party tomorrow. They are reaching here in a few hours anyways. No need to make them worried now." I said to him. He sighed.

" They can ask later why they weren't informed." He said.

" You know the answer already. It was for their own good." I said and he nodded.

Darien was sitting there listening to our conversation silently. I turned to him and he nodded his head trying to comfort me in that situation. I smiled a bit at him.

I was tired of seeing all these sad and worried face. I wish I could hide myself somewhere!!! But it's not possible. I have to face it and survive it.

Only persons who were sitting there are my grandparents. They don't care anyways. They don't like Enzy and they don't like all the people around. So, being worried about Enzy is out of their dictionary.

I sighed and my phone started to ring at the same time. I found it's my Granny. She was very worried since she was informed this news. She has already called me several times. I know she can't sleep until she hears the news that they are safe and sound.

" Excuse me!!!" I said before standing up and walking away from there to pick up the call.

" Hello, G'ma!!" I said to her.

" How is everything there?" She asked me in a tensed voice. I sighed.

" It's not done yet." I said to her.

" Oh, ok. How is everyone doing there? Good?" She asked me.

" Devastated. But we will be fine. You and Grandpa relax a bit." I said to her and she chuckled.

" I can't sleep without knowing the situation is ok. You know that, Kate." She said and I sighed.

" Yeah, I do." I said.

" Ok, bye then, you go be with them. They need your help. I will call you later." She said.

" Ok, bye. Take care." I said to her.

" Yes, you too." She said.

I hung up the phone. Tension was killing me inside. I turned to leave but my whole body frozen seeing the person standing in front of me. I was totally shocked. When has she come back here?!!

" Nice to see you, Brielle." She said and I ignored her trying to walk away. "Is this the way you will greet your mother after all these years?" She asked and I turned to her to face her.

" I don't have a mother. She is dead for me. I am an orphan. I don't know you." I said to her. She just smiled and made me realize that I do really miss her. But no use. She is the cruel woman who left me when I needed her the most.

" I deserve to hear that. I didn't mind your behavior toward me." She said.

" Very well. If you know that and keep a safe distance from me." I said to her.

" What are you doing here in the hospital?" She asked me.

" It's none of your business. Besides I also can ask you the same question." I said to her.

" You know my husband is a doctor. He has started to work here since we have shifted here." She said and I sighed deeply.

" Ok. Anything else?" I asked her.

" I was just curious why were you in the hospital. Is anyone sick?" She asked me.

" Does it have anything to do with you?" I asked her.

" No. Just was curious. Heard you got engaged recently?" She asked me.

" Yes, I got engaged. I am getting married soon and you will be invited. Now if you will excuse me." I said and walked away from her.

I don't want to show her my weakness. I still miss her after all these things she has done to me. I wiped my tears. No use of shedding tears for them who doesn't have a heart.

I reached my family and found them all looking at the baby who was currently in Aunt Marcella's arms. I ran to them and looked at my Prince. I smiled with tears in my eyes when I found him exactly the replica of his father. I took him in my arms and kissed on his forehead and suddenly he clutched on my hair tightly with his baby fist though his eyes were closed. He leaned closer to get warmth. He needs his mother the most at this hour.

" How is Enzy?" I asked them as I remembered her.

" She is fine just she needs to transfuse blood. Cameron has gone to donate her blood. No worries. She will be fine soon." Kelly said and I smiled.

" Thanks God." I said looking at the baby whole stole my heart just with one look.

Little Prince of Wittgenstein house.

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