Biggest Lie

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Brielle's POV

We sitting in the church in the funeral ceremony of Mr. Krendler. The priest was saying something but I couldn't pay attention to it. All my attention was stuck on the coffin where Mr. Krendler was sleeping peacefully. I wiped my tears. I can't forget him ever. He was such a great person I have ever seen. The most important thing for him was his country and his people. I have seen him for a little period of time but it wasn't hard to figure out what a great personality he had. He will be remembered. I still can't believe this happened.

We have talked just the day before yesterday. He was so happy for Darien and me. I was joking like we will get him married again coming back from our honeymoon trip. But everything destroyed in a blink. We lost him. That's all I could say right now. He is no more. I couldn't register that in my mind that he is no more.

I still can remember the day we first met he was so kind and generous. He was a kind man. I have never seen him having any issue with anyone. Everyone liked him a lot. He was an idol for his fellow members of the party. He was really a great leader for his party as well. The crowd outside is saying actually how deeply people love him. Everyone was just too shocked to react. They didn't think something like this will happen one day.

I turned to Darien who was looking ahead blankly. He just kept holding on himself. He didn't even cry for once. I am very worried about him. If he keeps it inside then it will keep hurting him all the time. I can't see him like this. He has to cry out his frustration and grief. If he doesn't then it will keep his emotions caged inside. He should let them flow. I don't know what to do.

All the rituals ended soon and it was time to bury Mr. Krendler to let him rest in peace forever. I couldn't hold back anymore. I don't care if look like a weak girl now. I am feeling like something close to my heart is taken away. I felt Darien holding me tightly. I hugged him tightly and cried again. He kept holding me silently. Soon the burial activities ended. People started to leave. But Darien kept standing there looking at the gravestone.


" A great leader always thinks about his people before himself."

That was written on the gravestone that was Darien looking at very attentively all the time. I sighed deeply. I literally can't feel what he was feeling right now but I can feel his pain he must want to express it but doesn't know how to. He was suffering inside but isn't able to show that to anyone else here. I sighed before holding his hand tightly. He turned to me and I gave him a small smile. He kept looking at me blankly.

" It's almost dark here, Darien. Don't you want to go home?" I asked him and he nodded.

" Let's go home." I said to him.

I hold his hand and started to drag him out of there. He didn't protest at all. He kept following me. We came home. He had dinner silently and went back to our room. I entered the room and found him already lying down on the bed. I turned the lights off and went to the bed. I hugged him tightly from back and started to run my fingers through his hair. He didn't say anything just kept lying there silently. I don't know I was feeling dozing off though I wanted to wide awake until he sleeps but he wasn't sleeping. I was time to time dozing off when I woke up I found Darien sitting on the corner of the bed clutching his head looking very devastated. I sighed deeply and reached him.

" You haven't slept yet?!" I asked him and he looked at me at once. I hugged him from back at once. He leaned on me clutching on his head.

" What happened?! Is your head hurting?" I asked him and he nodded.

I got up and found out the painkiller. He was looking at me flatly. I gave him the painkiller and he took it silently. He didn't say anything after that just kept sitting their silently. I hold his hand but he didn't look at me. I sighed deeply.

" Is everything ok?" I asked. Him and he nodded silently.

" What is bothering you?" I asked him. He shook his head. I caressed his cheek and he looked at me.

" You can share it with me you know that, right?" I asked him and he nodded.

" Then forget everything and tell me what it is?" I asked him and he sighed deeply.

" I left alone in this whole world, Brielle. Everyone left me. I lost everything."he said.

" You still have me. You are forgetting that." I said to him and he sighed deeply before pulling me into a hug. He was breathing heavily to calm himself down.

" You still have me and I am not going to leave you ever. You can relax." I said to him and he sighed.

" Darien, you have to cry out your pain keeping it inside will not help you." I said to him and he nodded.

" I don't want you to get hurt alone. Share it with me. Share your pain and happiness. I will not judge you ever." I said to him and he buried his face on my neck.

The whole night past me trying hard to convince him to cry out his grief but he wasn't ready to do so. I woke up in the morning feeling my head so heavy. I didn't sleep well last night. I couldn't sleep when he wasn't doing well. I got freshen up and prepared breakfast for us. He came downstairs and had breakfast silently.

Suddenly Cole came inside saying something weird.

" Sir, there are some People claiming themselves as FBI and wishing to meet you." He said to Darien.

" Hmm, bring them in." He said and we sat on the living room.

When they started to discuss about the matter my blood boiled at once. They were saying that they found some documents in Mr. Krendler's office which prove that he had a strong connection with some terrorist whom they were helping. They doubt that he committed suicide for that. What?!! Biggest lie.

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