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BizWiz Bar
New York, USA
09:00 PM

He was sitting in front of the bar tender but didn't order for anything. He looked around and felt himself a bit weird to sit there. He doesn't know why his informer wants him to meet there. It was still a bit gentle as the night isn't deep yet. The deeper the night is the crazier the crowd will be. He didn't want to be there at that time. He was already thinking about his life. Brielle might be right whatever she said. May be she wasn't the right girl for him. He convinced himself not to think about her anymore because she is not going to come back to him anyways and as her friend he doesn't want to destroy her happiness. He also thinks Brielle's prediction can come true. There may be someone perfect for him. He just needs to wait and see what the fate has saved for him.

He sighed and turned to see a few girls dancing near the pole. They were very exotic and trying to seduce the crowd. Of course, what else does he expect from a strip club?!! God knows where his informer has died. Why isn't he coming yet?!

" Hello, handsome!!! Alone tonight!!!" He found the person saying that was a girl barely has any decent clothes on her body was leaning too close to him. He moved a bit away from her. She chuckled. " Oh, my!!! Are you a virgin?! Out if taste but no worries I will teach you all the tricks." She winked at him and he gritted swearing in his mind that he was going to teach his informer a lesson of his life.

He wished Sebastian was there. May be all of them became too depended on that one particular person. But he feels himself lucky that he has a friend like him in his life. But currently he wants to handle this situation as Sebastian is in leave. He doesn't want his team fails to gain the success in this time. But this is making him feel awkward. In his 27 years of life he didn't felt this awkward before.

" So, what do you say hottie? Shall we get a room?!" She asked him and he glared at her.

" Oh, I like mine hot meat. Liked your expression." She gave him a seducing smile.

He ignored it completely. He checked the time on his wrist watch ignoring her presence next to him. She tried attract him several ways but everything failed. Just then he found his informer entering the bar and he glared at the girl trying to cling to him. That girl left after cursing him but he didn't care. At last she left him alone.

" Hey, Rob!!!" His informer Oliver said. He rolled his eyes.

" What is this place?!" He asked Oliver.

" I believe it's a strip club." Oliver said chuckling.

" Die!!" He said.

" Why are you so grumpy today, Rob?" Oliver asked him.

" Just don't waste my time anymore. Tell me what do you know about that already." Roberto asked him and he chuckled.

" Everything is settled. Just you need to check it. But just wanted to warn you that their warehouse is there back in Mexico. You should inform you team." Oliver said.

" Hmm, better. I will take care of it. Anything else?" He asked.

" No, I just got that much as for now. I will let you know when I get the further information." Oliver said.

" Alright then." He said to him. " Let's go then if we have nothing to do here anymore." Roberto said to him.

They were going out of there but just then he found a very familiar face there. He narrowed his eyes. She shouldn't be here at this hour of night. She was trying to get rid of some drunk stupid. He just gritted.

" Who is that?!" Oliver asked him.

" Stay here." He said before reaching her.

" Stay away!!!" She said to the punks.

" Why don't we have some time together, beautiful!!" One of those punks said and she slapped him hard across his face. He was stunned for a moment seeing her courage that she still showed in this situation. Like really?!!

" You bloody... Aaaarrrrrrghhhh..." He kicked that guy before he could touch her.

" Wiiieeeee... Goneeeee!!!" She squealed in alien's language and he looked at her weirdly.

" Are you ok?" He asked her.

" I am absolutely ok, Mr. Keaton. What made think I am not ok?" She asked him cheerfully. He rolled his eyes before handling the other guy. One by one all of them were down and she was awestruck.

" Ms. Michaelson, what are you doing here?" He asked her. She rolled her eyes.

" My name is Nancy and nice to meet you, Kieran." She said and he sighed hearing her calling him with his first name.

He himself felt very awkward hearing that name after so many years from someone. He never let someone call him with that name since his grandma died. She used to call him that. She gave that name to him.  When she gone he started to miss her a lot and decided her memory should be intact and announced that no one should call him Kieran except his beloved grandma. But after all these years she came and started to call him with that name made him feel so weird. But he just couldn't say her not to call her that because it will be rude. She is a guest here.

" I know. What are you doing here at this hour of night?" He asked her.

" Actually, I.... Ahhhh..." She hide herself behind him as she found another punk coming toward her. He knocked him out easily and found out still clutching on his jacket.

" They are gone." He said to her and she looked around but still didn't leave him. " You can relax." Ge said eyeing her hands clutching on his jacket.

" Oh!! Yes, thanks anyways, Mr. Keaton." She said. He rolled his eyes.

" Now why have you gone back to Mr. Keaton?" He asked her.

" I felt like you didn't like me call you with your name." She said flipping her ginger red hair. He sighed.

" You can call me that. No problem." He said.

" Rob!! You ok?" Oliver reached them and asked him.

" Yeah, everything is good." He replied.

" Who is Rob? Hello, Mr. You might have wronged him as someone else." Nancy said and he sighed before pulling her out of there.

" Hey!!.. he..." She tried to talk but he glared to make her shut up. Once they came out of the bar the found his car waiting for him. He opened the door for her and she got in obediently without making any fuss.

" Now!!! Why were you there?" He asked her.

" Come on!!! I was curious." She said

" Just that?!" He asked her narrowing his eyes.

" I had a bet with my friends." She said.

" Which stupid kept that bet?!! Do you have any idea where you were awhile back?!!" He gritted and she tried to figure out why was he so freaking angry.

" Calm down, Dude. I am a journalism student and we have our tricks." She laughed. He looked at her weirdly. Little did he know this girl was going to give him a headache for long time.

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