Weird Feelings

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Brielle's POV

" Great things going on." Juliet said rolling her eyes as she entered my room.

" What happened to you?" I asked her as she sat next to me.

" Nothing just messed up a bit." She said.

" Where were you last night?" I asked her.

" I was with Ari at her place. Her mom wasn't at home as you know that." She said to me.

" Yeah, I heard that yesterday." I said. "How is Mrs. Cassidy now?" I asked her.

" No, she is not doing very well now but her last chemotherapy is going to start next week and she is very afraid that she will die in between." She said and sighed deeply. I don't know how to react about that.

" I met Gabi very early age of my life. May be we were 4 or 5 that time. Since then we have always had our backs. Gabi's parents died when she was 7 in a car crash. Since then grandma is her only family. More like Darien and Grandpa. But Gabi is more depended on her grandmother. She was always her fairy godmother. She is going to completely break down if something happens to her grandmother. I have never seen her this weak ever before. I am just completely messed up now." She said.

" You guys shouldn't break down, Juliet. If you guys break down then who will support Gabrielle? She will lose all hope." I said to her and gave her a hug. She hugged me back.

" I have never seen Mrs. Cassidy this weak. She was always an Iron Lady handling everything by her own. Never ever giving up on anything. But this didn't support it." She said and I sighed inwardly.

" Everything will be fine. Keep your faith in God. He knows everything better and he always has a better plan than we actually think about." I said to her.

" May be. I don't have any idea actually." She said to me. I patted her back.

" How is Gabrielle now?" I asked her. She sighed deeply.

" Whitney could make her have something forcefully this morning. She was starving from yesterday." She said. I sighed.

How sweet everyone's grandparents are!!! Mine are like Adolf Hitler. Nothing can be done with those two. Still I love them. Damn me. I just hate it. I so badly want to go back to Milan and spend some time with my maternal grandparents. They are my angels for me. They gave me the best motto of life that live your life as your own choice and make every second a beautiful memory. I kinda follow their advices that they have given me ever to make my life beautiful. I just carry them on. I am satisfied with my life. I am doing well in my life. Nothing else is required from life other than that. I just want to stay like this being myself that gives me the feeling of being alive and being alive is the most beautiful thing.

" That's great. Don't worry. Things will be fine." I said to her.

" Things won't be fine I think." She said.

" Why not?" I asked her.

" Last night the doctor talked to Mrs. Cassidy and after that Mrs. Cassidy decided that she wants to get Gabi and Cassius married soon after the last chemotherapy. I thing there is something they are hiding from us." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" Married?!" I asked her.

" Yeah. That too very very soon." She said.

" How old is Gabrielle?! 18?" I asked her.

" She is going to be 19 next week." She said.

" But getting her married in this early age?! Is that a good thing to do?!" I asked her. She sighed deeply.

" She can't leave Gabi alone. Gabi's grandfather had disowned his daughter because of some reasons. Now she has filed a case that she also wants a part of Cassidy empire which Gabi's parents worked hard to make. Gabi is still very young. May be she gets influenced by her aunt who is always the evil trouble for Cassidy family. She already has tried once to reach Gabi when she heard her mother is sick." Juliet said. F*cking bi*ch!!!

" What is Cassius doing? Doesn't he know about all of these things?" I asked her.

" He knows. But he is already busy with his studies, handling their business since Mrs. Cassidy is not doing well and most importantly he has his nephew to take care of. He is still trying to keep Gabi away from her aunt by all means." She said.

" That's ok then." I said and she was about to say something but someone knocked on the door.

" Please, come in." I said. The next moment Mr. Krendler entered the room. He found Juliet and smiled at her.

" You are back?" He asked her and she nodded.

" Awhile back." She said.

" Your parents have gone to office already. Don't you have to go to school today?" He asked her.

" I called my Principal that I can't attend today." She said to him and he nodded.

" We will ho and roam around London. Will you join us?" He asked her. I looked at him weirdly.

" When have you take that decision? You didn't tell me before." I said to him.

" I came to tell you that. Besides you have to follow me anyways. You don't have any other choice." He said and I so badly wanted to kick his face right now. So full of himself. Annoying.

" No use of showing me that face. It's the truth only." He said to me and I sighed deeply. Then he turned to Juliet again. " So, will you come with us?" He asked her but she shook her head.

" I am tired already. I need some sleep. I have to go to the hospital later as well. You guys go and enjoy. I might join you later." She said before getting up from the couch and walking out of the room.

" Alright then. Be ready." He said.

" Where to go?" I asked him.

" That's a surprise." He said and I rolled my eyes twisting my lips. This guy is a dangerous thing for me. I need to be careful before he starts to give me weird feelings. I just hate it.

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