Scared Of Him

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Brielle's POV

" Oh, my head!!" I said to myself. My head was hurting as hell. I found myself in an unknown place. Oh, my!!!

"Where are we?" I asked my brain.

" ask me. I told you thousands of times to not to get drunk. Now don't irritate me." My brain shouted.

" Stop being a stupid and tell me where are we?! Try to remember." I said to it.

I took the duvet away from my body No, my dress is intact. Not a single scratch on my body. That means I haven't done anything weird yet. I was dying with this headache.

" Who told you to consume that much alcohol?" My brain blamed me.

" You didn't stop me then. Now go to the hell." I said to it.

" Hey!!! Don't lie you, bi*ch!!! I tried to stop you but you didn't listen to me. You are just a crazy emotionally imbalanced bi*ch." It said to me and I sighed.

I need to know where am I right now. It's morning I think. Where have I got into myself?!! I was already messed and that bi*ch messed me up more. I just want to hit my head somewhere and try to get out of this maze. I accepted everything happened why has he came back again to hurt me more!!! I hate people like this who keeps hurting others without any reasons. Did I ever hurt anyone willingly?! I can't remember. But here's people always hurting me like hell.

I got up from the bed and stumbled a bit but I handled myself. I was feeling so weird. Everything was spinning. I sat on the bed clutching on my head. It was unbearable. I felt like dying already. It was hurting like hell. What happened to me actually?!! My throat was hurting as hell. I was thirsty as well. Someone gave me a glass of water and I take it before gulping it in one go.

" Thank you." I said and looked up to get a shock.

How the hell did he find me out?!! Has Josie told him?!! May be. She was worried about me I think. I looked at him weirdly. But his eyes send chills down my spine. Those were saying that he was angry as hell. I gulped. For first time I my life I was literally scared of something like this. I was never scared of anything because no one ever dared to show me this expressions. But it was his fault. What have I done here?!! He already had a girlfriend still he played with me. I wish I could hit his head somewhere but I can't. Damn this stupid organ. I have to learn to survive a heart break but if he keeps appearing in front of me time to time like this then I really don't know how to survive that. I can't hold it back. It will make me beg him to come back to me which I don't want to do. I stood up and walked past him but he hold my hand to pulled me back in his arms.

" What?! Leave me. Go to your girlfriend. I should have never trusted you. You broke it." I tried to get rid of him. Damn pushing him was like pushing the wall.

" I am not done with you yet." He said to me. He pushed me to the bed again.

" What are you doing?" I asked him.

" Trying to have a civil conversation." He said coming on top of me.

" This is a civil conversation?!!" I asked him.

" You didn't leave any other choice for me." He said to me as he hold both my wrist over my head and caressed my cheek with his knuckles.

" Let me go." I said to him.

" You know all the martial arts, Sweetheart. Why aren't you trying to get rid of me?" He asked placing a soft kiss on my cheek and his stubble beard pricked my skin left me in a itchy feeling to touch them with my fingers.

Damn it!!! I lost. He moved and kissed on my lips. I don't know how to resists him. I never learned that. Suddenly his hand reached the strap on my shoulder and he tore it apart.

" What .. what are... you do... doing?!!" I asked him.

" What are you wearing?!! You know how hard did I control myself from killing those bast*rd!!!" He said to me.

" You don't have to worry about me. You worry about yourself and your girlfriend. Don't keep appearing in front of me again and again. I will-" I was saying but he didn't let me complete. He captured my lips in his. He kissed me hard. His hands were all over my body. Like punishing me whatever happened all these days. Shouldn't I be the one to punish him??! He broke the kiss left me grasping for oxygen. I took a deep breath to fill my lungs with oxygen.

" Never ever wear something like this in public. If I find you wearing something like this in public you can't imagine what will happen to you the next moment." He said to me.

" It's my own choice. You are no one to decide it for me. I will wear whatever I want to. You can't stop me." I said to him and his eyes darkened. I just didn't ignite the volcano to erupt, did I? He leaned closer and gave me a bite on my neck.

" Say that again. I wanna see how brave are you tonight, Brielle. Try me. You will not like the consequences." He said in a very dangerous tone.

" What do you want from me?! This body?! If this is the thing you want then take it and let me go. I am tired of drama. I wanna get rid of it." I said to him. He gritted.

" Is your body that cheap that you will offer it to anyone?" He asked me. I looked at him totally shocked.

" I am a bi*ch after all." I said.

" Brielle!!!" He growled at me and I closed my eyes. I was literally scared now.

He took a deep breath and got up. He ran fingers though his hair before walking out of the room. I catch my breaths. Did I just get scared of him?!!

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