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Brielle's POV

" Why do I have to do that, Brie?" Cameron asked me and I sighed.

" Just pretend like you are my boyfriend and we need a vacation. If he grants me some holidays then we will be able go for a holiday together." I said to him.

" Admiral will kill me or kick me out of the job." He said.

" He wouldn't even know. If he knows then I will save you from him. I know that very well how to handle the admiral. You don't have to be worried about that." I said to him.

" I don't want to die early, Brie." he said.

" You will live a thousand of years. Please, help me. I am done. Totally done." I said to him.

" Oh!!! There is someone or something that can actually irritate the great Brielle Wittgenstein for real?!! Unbelievable. Is that truth!!! Or am I dreaming!!" He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" Are you going to help me or I should go and ask someone else to help me!! Remember people are even waiting to help me. I don't need you to help me. You are not my only option. I have other people who will happily help me. Now you decide it." I said to him and he sighed deeply.

" Ok. What do I have to do?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes.

" You have to act like my boyfriend." I said to him and he chuckled.

" What is in pretending? Let's date for real. What do you say? Be my girlfriend." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Where would you like to get beaten up here or on the road?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" Nowhere. I am fine. I don't want to get beaten up by Brielle Wittgenstein" He said to me. I rolled my eyes.

" Better. Don't act like a f*ckboy." I said to him and he nodded weakly.

" Good. Now let's go. Do remember. We are saying for three years and we are getting married soon. You want to take me to the holiday trip this weekend. So, you will request him to grant me a holiday." I said to him and he nodded.

" Ok. I understand that." He said to me and I nodded.

" Don't forget your words later." I said to him.

He nodded. But he was definitely a bit nervous. I can understand that. This is the first time he is going to do something like that. I can understand that he is very nervous.

" So, ready?" I asked him.

" No. I am not." He said and I sighed deeply.

" Let's go." I said to him.

" Stop. Let me take a breath, Brie. What's so hurry!!!" He asked me.

" I am in hurry to go on a vacation. I don't want to stay here for long. I wish I can run away." I said to him.

" Why are you saying that, Brie?" He asked me and I sighed.

" Just tired of living my life like that." I said to him.

" What do you mean, Brie?" He asked me.

" Nothing. Let's go. Let's get my vacation first." I said to him.

I dragged him with myself and knocked on the door of the cabin of Mr. Krendler.

" Yes, come in." I heard him saying and we entered the cabin. I found him working on his laptop.

" Good morning, Mr. Krendler." I said to him smiling sweetly. He looked up at me and found Cameron with me and raised his eyebrows.

" Mr. Krendler, meet my boyfriend Cameron Wilson." I said to him and he looked at Cameron sharply then chuckled.

" Come, have a seat Mr. Wilson." He said and Cameron looked at me flatly.

" Smile, Babe. Why are you wearing a grumpy face?" I asked gritting at him and he rolled his eyes.

" How come Ms. Wittgenstein came here early in the morning that too with her boyfriend?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" I had to come. Besides Cameron has something to talk to you." I said to him and turned to Cameron who just sighed.

This stupid will spoil my plan. How I wish Roberto was in his place now. He is a very good actor. But not Cameron. I am getting a feeling that I will be in trouble for him today.

" Come on, Babe. Smile. Why are you upset? Mr. Krendler is very friendly person. He will understand our problem. Don't be shy." I said to him. Cameron just stayed silent for awhile.

" What's the problem?" Mr. Krendler asked us. I sighed.

" Alright, Mr. Krendler, forget it. I think Cameron is feeling a bit uncomfortable. I will tell you what happened. Cameron wants to take me to a vacation for this weekend. But if you don't give me permission to go then I might not be able to go." I said to him. He raised his eyebrows at me making me feel a bit uncomfortable. What is he trying to read from my eyes?!! " Actually he wants to surprise me as it's our anniversary soon. Isn't it, Babe?" I asked Cameron who just nodded.

" Hmm... Nice idea. But how do you know that he wants to surprise you? Can you read his mind? Excellent!!" Mr. Krendler said and I looked at him weirdly.

Oops!!!Did I show too much smartness and trapped myself?!! May be yes. I did it. Damn me!!! I turned to see Cameron. He was face palming himself.

" I... Umm.... His friends told me." I said to him.

" Oh, good then. Ok. You go out and let me talk to him alone for awhile, please." He said and I nodded weakly before standing up to go out.

I looked at Cameron who just rolled his eyes at me. I was right. I will be in trouble today. Cameron will reveal everything now. He is a stupid for real. God!!! Why did I bring him with me today?!!

Because you are a stupid?! My brain asked me.

Fu*ck you. Don't irritate me. I said to my brain.

Stop using that f word then your life will be solved. Your sharp mouth will definitely get you into trouble some day. My brain said and I rolled my eyes. I found Cameron coming out of the cabin and reached him.

" What happened?" I asked him.

" Go inside. He wants to talk to you." He said.

" Has he granted me the vacation?" I asked him excitedly.

" Yeah. Go talk to him about that." He said to me and I went inside quickly.

Wow!!! It wasn't too hard to fool him. I entered the cabin and closed the door. I turned and got shocked to find him in front of me.

" Mr. Krendler!!" I said and he smirked.

" Who else did you expect?" He asked me.

" My dead body." I said irritatingly.

" What?" He asked me.

" Nothing." I said. " So, can I go on a vacation?" I asked him excitedly.

" Yes, sure. But your boyfriend said he is busy this weekend." He said and stepped closer before caging me between the door and his body which was now towering over me. I looked at him weirdly. He chuckled and blew the hair strand away from my face.

" So, I decided to take you on vacation." He said.

" What??!" I looked at him weirdly.

" Yeah. Be ready. We are going to London this weekend and will be returning next week. Be prepared." He said and I was shocked. What has this stupid Cameron said!!!

" I don't want the vacation anymore." I said to him.

" It's already granted." He said before walking toward his desk.

" But I-" he cut me in between.

" You are welcome. Get ready for the trip." He said to me and I gritted.

He tricked me. Damn it.

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