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Brielle's POV

" Brie, you?!" My grandpa said as he found me on his doorstep. I smiled.

I came direct to Milan after submitting my resignation letter. I will go back to USA for Issy and Kelly's wedding in one month. My colleagues tried to convince me but I was done with that. Seb didn't say anything. He can understand my feelings and he respects that. Issy was very angry with his grandpa but I told him that I will be fine. Enzie was very upset that I was leaving but I promised her that I will stay with her once I go back for Issy's wedding in 1 month. Settling down in Milan won't be bad either. I have my friends here. Aurora is here. We can start a law firm together here. My life will be settled.

As for Darien I didn't talk to him before coming here. I just don't want to drag it further. He went to Washington DC as he had something important to discuss with the President. He told me that he will talk to me after coming back from the White House but I took the chance and came here. Because at this moment I am not in any mood of talking to him. I need to sort out my brain first and it is the must needed thing for me at this moment.

I need to let things go around my head. I want to live as the little Katherine Beverly for awhile who used to be a free spirit. I want to have fun, travel around, enjoy myself which I haven't done for past 6 years since I have joined Navy Seals. I forgot to live my life because I have to keep thinking about saving other's life. Sometimes I used to forget that I am not a superhuman I am also a normal girl who needs to save herself.

I was that crazy about my job. I will be lying if I say I am not upset about that. I used to love my job but I am just wasted right now. I can't sort out what to do at this moment. I need to fix myself first then I can think about other things. It's not like I am going to compromise with anything. Enough of compromising about things. Not anymore. Why to compromise when you know you will get ultimate zero results from it?!! I am going live my life for myself now onwards. So, there is no compromising about any single thing. I have done enough for this selfish world. They don't deserve my kindness. They deserve the worst. Why to think about them anyways when I will get the zero output from them?! From now onwards I will only think about the people who thinks about me only. I will not sacrifice myself for anything ever again. I am going to be happy. I can survive it. I can fix everything. I have fixed severe things before. It's nothing in front of those things.

" Won't you invite me inside?" I asked him. He smiled.

" Of course. Come in." He said and I walked inside with my stuffs.

" Alone?" He searched for Josie outside.

" She has gone home." I said to him and he chuckled.

" For the first time you are alone without her. This is why was asking you." He said.

" Sounds weird?!" I asked him and he chuckled." Weird, right?" I asked him.

" A bit. But suddenly you came back home? Is everything ok?" He asked me.

" Yeah, why won't everything be fine, grandpa?" I asked him.

" Actually you never come home alone. There should be Josie with you that surprised me." He said. I chuckled.

" Josie is going to get married next month. She is kinda busy. I will go and help her to choose her wedding arrangements next week." I said to him.

" Oh!!! Didn't think that coming. She is getting married!!!" He said.

" Yeah. I think before Issy and Kelly." I said to him.

" Like really?! Why so fast?" He asked me.

" I don't know." I lied. Actually, I don't want to tell him that she so badly wants to get rid of Cameron.

" Alright but you suddenly came here while everyone is busy with Issy and Kelly's wedding?" He asked me.

" Oh, Grandpa, you talk too much. Where is grandma?" I asked him.

" She has gone to meet her friends." He said.

" What are you doing at home? Haven't you gone to the hotel today?" I asked him.

" I have people to look after that." He said rolling his eyes and I chuckled.

" How about you and I work together to expand the business from now onwards?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" It would be very helpful but the thing is you actually can't do that. You love your job. We have never forced you to do something against your will." He said. I smiled.

" This is why I love you so much." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Love you too, Kate." He said and I chuckled.

" I wanted to tell you that I quit my job and planning to settle down here with you." I said to him and he laughed.

" Nice joke. Go, get freshen up. I will tell Martha to serve the lunch." He said.

" I am serious grandpa." I said and picked out my copy of the resignation letter. He took it and read it. His eyes opened widened and he looked at me weirdly.

" But why, Kate?" He asked me.

" Because everything was messed." I said.

" Ok, it's ok. Everything will be fine." He said. " Go get freshen up. We will have lunch together and then go out and roam around. We will do all our favorite things we used to do when you were a kid." He said and I chuckled.

" Sure grandpa. I will love to spend my time with you. What in some time I would love to spend the rest of my life with you and grandma." I said to him and he chuckled.

" But what about Darien?" He asked me and I sighed inwardly.

" Let's not bring any other issues between us. Let's enjoy our time for ourselves." I said to him and he chuckled shaking his head.

Best grandpa ever.

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