First Lady

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Darien's POV

" Who will try to kill you like that, Darien? What are you hiding from me?! Why are you being so secretive?" She asked me that about thousand of time now.

I didn't look at her. I kept looking out of the window. I just don't want to involve her in this. I just want her to live peacefully. I will handle everything myself. But right now I don't want to talk to her about this. She will try to find out about it by herself if I give her a hint that I know who they actually are.

" Hey!!! You, Darien Krendler, look at me. Don't hide anything from me. Look at me. Look into my eyes. I know you are hiding something from me. Spill it at once before I catch you red-handed. You know that I will not sit here quietly until you tell me the truth. You just can't hide things from me. The more you will hide things from me the more it will be complicated. Why don't you understand that it's my duty and I have to go through that!!! Do you want me to get fired!!! Listen, if I get fired then it won't be good for you. Then I will be at home all the time eating your brain all the day. You shouldn't agree with that. You shou-" it was enough for me. She pushed all of my buttons to the end. So, I just pulled her closer and captured her lips in mine.

She fought to win over me but I didn't let her. She wasn't a girl who will accept her defeat that easily. She bite on my lower lip. Savage!!! But I didn't left her. She brushed her fingertips on my neck while kissing me trying to defeat me. I smirked. No, Babe, your trick didn't work on me. Time to gave her the taste of her own medicine. I pulled her shirt up and touched her bare waist. She shivered a bit and I chuckled inwardly. That's it. I know how to win over the wild woman in my arms. I will take this point to save on my mind that she likes being touched on that spot. It will give me benefits in future. That can be a point. But this woman will turn wilder and more savage day by day. I can imagine how hard time she is going to give me in future.

" You.... Urrrrrrghhhh!!" she said as I broke the kiss. She crossed her arms over her chest. But I just chuckled before pulling her on my lap.

" I got you, Babe. You are so hot. Can I have one more kiss?" I asked him.

" If you are ready to get bunches of bites all over your face." She said. I chuckled.

" I don't mind having those hickeys. Because, I am going to announce our relationship as soon as we land USA. I don't mind wearing them. I will proudly show people how much you like to bite me. It's not my problem, Babe. Only people will come to know that you are crazy for me that you want to mark me. But one thing will turn out to be good in all these. You know what?!!" I asked her but she was already glaring at me. I chuckled. "Girls around me will not try to reach me again and again. Won't it be good?" I asked her. She gave me a death glare but unfortunately I found it so cute. She herself is so cute. I mean you just can't dislike someone like her. You have to love her.

" You are not going to announce our relationship in public." She stated.

" And why not?" I asked her.

" Because I have to inform my brother's and friends at first. I have to inform all of my family members first. I just can't let you do that first. I need some time to convince all of them." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" Why do you need other's permission to be with me, Brielle? It's you who will be with me. What will they do in this??! Do they even matter in all these?" I asked her.

" They are my family. They are my world, Darien. You can't complain about that." She said. I nodded.

" What if they don't like me at all?" I asked her.

" Oh, come on, Darien. There is no reason to dislike you. You are everything that a girl's family will want in the person whom they will like for her. You don't have to be worried about that. Everyone in my family will love you. They will not disagree with that. Actually they are more than ready to get me married because I didn't even wanted to date anyone. If they find out that I am already having a boyfriend they will have a heart attack. All of them. But I have to tell them at first. They do deserve that." She said to me. I sighed.

" Ok, but make sure that they likes me. I don't know why I think your brothers will give me a hard time." I said honestly.

Both of Wittgenstein brothers are over protective of her. They don't even know about the incident happened here in Moscow. Because Mr. Wittgenstein didn't want to inform them.

" You can't complain about that, Mr. Krendler. They are my big brothers. They have all right to judge you. They don't want me to date someone who is not a good for me." She said.

" What do you think about me?" I asked her. " Answer must be honest." I said to her.

" You are over qualified, Mr. Krendler. I am sure in less than 15 years I will see you as the President of USA." She said and I chuckled.

" No chance. There are other people. Besides, I have a long way to go. I am still an apprentice. I need to learn many things and 15 years is not enough for that." I said to her and she chuckled.

" We will see, Mr. Soon to be President." She said to me. I chuckled.

" Yeah, in your dream I think." I said to her.

" It will come true. Mark my words." She said.

" If your words comes true and I become President for real then you will definitely be the First Lady." I said to her and she chuckled.

" You don't have other choice." She winked at me. I chuckled.

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