Secrets Kept

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Garden City, New York (Bella's Perspective)
Unexpectedly, after we ate we all went to Mom's house in Long Island. We were going to have our dinner there, and it seemed fair to me.
"Bella, take this inside please." I nodded and went into the kitchen to drop off the food.
"You're quiet, aren't you?" Richard asked me.
"I guess so. Sometimes I am."
"Don't be afraid, I don't bite. Dad does."
"You talk about our old man like you have a vendetta against him," Lizzie said. I laughed quietly and he smiled.
"There's a laugh. I knew you had it in you. Bella, right? I heard you love to dance."
"Yeah, it's my favorite thing to do. I also love the piano too!"
"Back off she's mine." I laughed as Kathleen touched my hair.
"I've always wanted a little sister."
"I am your little sister."
"A better one anyways."
"Your hair is really adorable, and there's so much of it."
"Thanks, it's just rice water and eco gel."
"That's what made it long?"
"My hair has always been this long, but that's what maintained the length."
"That's really cool." Mom came in and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"Liv, mind if I take Bella on a walk?"
"Not at all."
"Let's go, Bella, show me around the neighborhood."
"Go on Bella, you'll be alright," Mom whispered in my ear and I didn't respond.
"Bella, are you ignoring me?"
"I'm not." I grabbed my jacket and went outside with Kathleen. I wasn't too happy about it, but I didn't want to fight with Mom.
"Hey, are you angry with me?" Kathleen asked as we walked outside.
"Never said that," I muttered.
"Your body language says you're angry." We walked towards the park near the house and I sighed.
"When Elliot and Mom told me that you were gonna talk to me, I wasn't happy. I'm not mad at you. I just don't like my business out there. It's private. I wish they'd back off."
"They're doing this because they love you. Not to hurt you, Bella." We sat on the swings and I took a breath.
"If it makes you feel better, I could tell you a story about myself. So you could trust me more."
"Sounds okay."
"When I was in college, I got in a lot of trouble."
"What kind of trouble?"
"I'm gonna tell you. I was very crazy in college, I did many crazy things. One time, I broke into someone's house. I stole their jewelry and even took a shower there."
"Were you high?"
"Very much so. When Dad found me he was upset, angry. Asked me what happened. But I couldn't answer."
"I wasn't in the best state of mind. I have BD."
"What's that?"
"Bipolar Disorder."
"Oh, I have PTSD." She put her arm around me and smiled.
"At first, I didn't want to admit it. But I eventually help. After your Mom arrested me."
"She did?"
"Yeah, she cared enough to help me. Just how she cares to help you now."
"That's very nice of her, but I don't want to talk about it. Or at least not with her."
"Why?" I shook my head and got up off the swing.
"Bella," She pulled me into a hug as I cried loudly.
"It's okay Bella. You're okay. You're okay, you're safe. I won't tell."
"Yeah you will, that's why they asked you to talk to me."
"Bella, can you trust me? Please?"
The Swings (Kathleen's Perspective)
"Please, Bella?"
"I can try."
"That's great, just try for me. That's all."
"I wish it was that simple."
"Then tell it piece by piece."
"In school, there was an assembly about assault. I was already uncomfortable."
"Were you-"
"A lot. I heard my friend say, this is so stupid. Why do we have to talk about this? So many of the people I talked to said it."
"Oh, word."
"It's so insensitive. I've been trying for years to not tell my friends my secret. I stormed out of the assembly. I hid in the bathroom because I felt ashamed. I could've talked to Mom. I could've talked to El. But I wanted it to be my personal problem. Because it was. They know what happened to me. But I'm tired. Rehashing the same story. You know what made it worse?"
"They tried to talk to me about how pointless the whole assembly was. I wanted to die. They were making fun of it. It wasn't funny to me."
"And there's nothing wrong with that. You're right, it isn't funny. You know what, I promise you there are other people in your school who get it. Who have gone through the same thing. Don't listen to those kids."
"But what do I do about my friends? I don't want to tell them about my business."
"You don't have to."
"They won't stop asking."
"Then tell them it's private."
"I've been telling them that for years. I can't keep it away from them. They're getting worried and I don't want them to feel bad for making fun of the assembly once they know."
"They should've never made fun of it in the first place and they'll learn a valuable lesson. I'm not going to tell you what to do, the choice is yours to tell them. Okay?" I nodded quietly and looked over at the highway. Oh, how the cars make that beautiful noise.
New York, New York (Olivia's Perspective)
I don't know what Kathleen and Bella talked about, but I know that Bella is happier. She isn't talking much but you can see the happiness in her cute green eyes. It was Black Friday and while Elliot was taking Noah and Leia to get some shoes and toys, I decided to take Bella on a little shopping spree. We were walking down 40th street on this cold fall day. Bella tapped my arm and I stopped in my tracks.
"What's wrong?" She held my hands quietly and I gave her a hug.
"I love you too honey. Do you want to go to Forever 21?"
"I guess so." We went inside and she looked around quietly.
"Are you not in the mood to shop honey?"
"I'm in the mood. Just, not talkative anymore." She chose some more shirts and I watched as she quietly came back to me.
"Very cute. That's it?" She nodded and we went to check out.
"I got it, babe. Save your money."
"She's a keeper isn't she?" Bella smiled and nodded.
"Thanks, Mom."
"Anytime. Hey Bella, I know you don't want to talk about what happened. But, are you feeling better?"
"Yeah, thanks for making Kathleen talk to me Mom." I patted her shoulder and we went back outside.
"Mom, can I ask you something?"
"Is it true that you arrested Kathleen?"
"Yes, she told you that huh?"
"I promised to tell her if she told me her secret. What kind of trouble did she get into Mom?"
"Very serious trouble. I can't talk to you about it sweetheart. Just don't follow bad friends. Okay?"
"What else do you want?"
Mom's Bedroom (Bella's Perspective)
"Look at your cute little belly!" Aunty Amanda pointed out.
"Stop it!" I joked. They were getting ready to go to a party and I watched as they got ready.
"Amanda, how long do you think we're staying?"
"Not too long. Billie doesn't want me out late."
"That child is so intelligent. And so is Jesse."
"Jesse is getting too big for me. Too intelligent." I laughed and then looked down at my phone.
"You know what's funny. You've bought Bella that phone, but it isn't attached to her hip. She knows when to be present and when she can use it."
"Taught her well. I didn't give her that to be on it all day."
"Mom, is it okay if I stay up late tonight?"
"Why do you ask?"
"I want to watch a show, and it's going to be on late."
"What show?"
"The Crown."
"That show is lovely."
"Is it age-appropriate?"
"It is."
"I think Bella can handle it. It isn't anything scandalous."
"Shows that come on after 10:30 are to me."
"That's gross, Mom!" I watched as she sprayed her perfume and gave me a hug.
"When are you coming back?"
"Where's Elliot?"
"He's out with Fin." The doorbell rang and Mom smiled.
"It's Lucy. Go and answer." I went downstairs and opened the door.
"Bella! You're getting tall and maturing. How are you, baby?"
"I'm good, you?"
"I'm doing just fine. Where's Leia? I know Noah's away on that trip."
"She's in the basement. I don't know if she's sleeping. Lei!" She came up the stairs and rain into Lucy's arms. She's so cute!
"Lucy, thank you so much! I really appreciate it."
"Anytime Liv, have fun."
"We certainly will." Leia held Lucy's hand and took her to the living room.
"Lucy, watch tv with me!"
"A little bit and then bedtime." It was nice to have Lucy back for the night and it gave me a little childhood flashback.

"Thanks for coming to my tea party."
"I couldn't miss something so important!" I poured the tea into the glasses as my penguins giggled.
"They keep laughing about a secret. We're gonna find it out, right Lucy?!"
"We certainly will!"

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