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November 22nd, 2022 (History Class) (Bella's Perspective)
"Alright, class, pages 5-10 in this new chapter for homework! You are dismissed." I packed up for lunch. Jake was waiting for me.
"I gotta stop by my locker before we go to the cafeteria."
"Cool. So, did your Mom say yes to after school?"
"No, she said it's because of what's been happening."
"Oh, sorry I asked you about it while you have all of that going on."
"It's okay. You didn't mean any harm."
"Hey Bella, meet me by my locker before English," Leah said.
"Totally." She definitely had some tea to spill. We made our way to the cafeteria. Taking about things as we went along.
"She's so annoying, I swear her class is a pain in the-"
"What the hell is going on?" We paused. All we saw were teachers blocking off the cafeteria."
"What happened?!" We asked Paisley.
"There was a fight. Rhett Garrison got huge cuts on his back from the cutlery,"
"Not Rhett. What?! That doesn't make sense."
"Nik and Robbie literally beat the shit out of him, I don't know why you guys missed it."
"Oh gosh, that's crazy."
Lunch (Trevor Day School) (Leia's Perspective)
"Achoo!" I sneezed loudly.
"Are you sick?"
"Nu-uh! My nose is just itchy."
"It always starts with an itchy nose," Daphne said.
"What does?"
"My older brother told me a story about how if you sneeze a lot, you become a werewolf."
"A werewolf?!" Bailey raised her eyebrows.
"That isn't true," I said. This doesn't sound very real to me. Bailey and I traded snacks. I got gummies for my snack and I traded them for yummy Oreo chocolate chip cookies!
"Uh-huh, it is! My brother told me that if you sneeze a lot it's because the fur is trying to grow, it makes your nose itch a little, and then you start howling at night!"
"Woah! But, I don't think I wanna be a werewolf Daph!"
"Okay, well there's this potion you can make. It'll stop your sneezing and you'll be all better in a jiffy!"
"What is it?" Courtney asked.
"You need apple juice, water, some soda, and two gummy's."
"Why gummy's?"
"It's for flavor. Come on, lets mix em!" My friends mixed up the drink for me and it didn't look very good. It was blue because of the gummy's, and it looks kinda like that slime you see on Halloween.
"That looks gross! I don't wanna drink it." I said.
"I think you should! Your sneeze is getting worse."
"Fine, Achoo! Only if it helps. Achoo!" I drank it. It tasted kind of sweet, but it felt icky going down my throat!
"How do you feel?"
"My brother said that's the side effect! You'll feel better really soon!"
"Look, you stopped sneezing."
"I guess so. It worked. But I wouldn't do it again!" We all laughed.
"Class 101, lunch is over! Time to throw away your trash and go outside for recess!"
"Aww, lunch is over already?!"
After School (The Trinity School, West 91st Street) (Bella's Perspective)
Finally, Jake and I could talk. I couldn't stay long, I had a class to go to, but we could talk.
"Bell, I kinda just wanted to talk to you about"
"Me? Why?"
"You seem happier lately. More like your usual self."
"I haven't noticed." I laughed quietly.
"Thanks for caring."
"Don't thank me, it's what friends do."
"Not all friends do it though."
"Then they're not your friends." I smiled.
"Jake, when this whole's thing over, do you wanna come by my house and hang out? We could play video games like we do at your house."
"Sure! Plus, Ace is amazing."
"Sometimes I feel like you like my dog more than you like me," I said playfully.
"Nope, I'll always like you more." He stated. I blushed. Jake and I just stood for a moment, quietly. We were just staring at each other. Sometimes our convos get weird, I'm not sure how it happens.
Honk, Honk!
"That's my ride! Bye Jake."
"Bye!" I waved and rushed over. Uncle Fin?! Oh gosh..
"Hi Bell!" Leia smiled and I buckled in.
"Hey, guys."
"Hey. What was that?"
"You two just standing there looking at each other."
"It was..nothing. Just awkward silence."
"Bella likes boys!" Leia pointed out. Leia does this on purpose. She takes full advantage of these situations. I'm just glad she isn't a big blabbermouth and can actually keep a secret.
"I know, and I'm not loving it." Fin said.
"Uncle Fin, we're gonna go straight home! I'm super tired and I need to rest!"
"You don't seem tired," I said.
"Look, listen to me, you can't look tired."
"Yeah, you can." She folded her arms.
"I don't wanna talk to you anymore." She stuck out her tongue and looked out of the window. Leia really cracks me up. We were in front of the hotel and Fin got out. We were escorted inside the building and upstairs to our room. I had dance today and I really wasn't feeling it, but hey I gotta go. It's not like I'm disinterested in dance, I'm just so tired these days that I don't have the energy. I'm thinking about cutting back gymnastics class so I don't feel as tired. But I feel like it wouldn't even make a difference.
10:24 PM (Noah's Perspective)
I just got off the phone with Morgan. It was a good phone call. We talked about us for a bit, then school. She had to go study for our history test tomorrow and I let her go. I don't even feel like studying. It's pretty easy and I feel lazy. Why put in work if I don't need to?
"Hey, Noah. Can I talk to you?" Bella asked.
"What's up?" My little sister sat on my bed. Growing up, my sister used to come to me to talk when she didn't want Mom to know what was going on, she still does it to this day. We have a pretty good relationship and we both trust each other.
"Please don't tell Mom about this."
"I won't. What's up?" She squirmed a bit.
"Did you do something?"
"No but I feel something, between Jake and I. It's complicated. Today after school, we were talking and there were some awkward pauses. It felt weird. Convos with him always feel weird when it's just him and I like there's-"
"Well, it's because you two like each other, a lot. It's kind of hard to just sit and act like nothings going on. You guys are gonna have to address it at some point."
"I dunno. It feels weird."
"Have you guys ki-"
"No, I mean, I've thought about it, but it never happened." I raised my eyebrows. It was kind of strange to hear Bella express herself like this, but it showed that she was growing up. I was proud of her, honestly.
"I was talking to Morgan about it and she was like just go for it."
"Don't go for it." She rolled her eyes.
"Overprotective loser. Only thing I've made out with is a pillow."
"So you're practicing for Jake too?! Oh wow."
"No, I'm not! It's experimentation. We talked about it in health class. Well not what I did, but you know. But I don't think I'd ever go there with Jake."
"You better not." She laughed.
"I can't believe I even opened up to you, weirdo."
"I'm a great listener, ask Morgan."
"She tells me the opposite. I'm more inclined to believe her as well."
"Sorry." I rolled my eyes.
"Thanks for listening though, bubbs. I'm gonna go talk to Lucy." She gave me a hug and left.
12:12 AM (November 23rd) (Olivia's Perspective)
"Hello?" I woke up to my phone ringing.
"Liv, where are the kids?"
"They're in their room sleeping." I got up and checked. Leia was hugging Bella and she was wide awake. I held my phone to my chest.
"Bell, what are you doing awake? It's really late."
"I'm just writing in my diary." I put the phone back to my ear.
"Kiss the kids good night for me. And you keep all of your doors locked."
"Alright. El, we have constant surveillance we'll be fine. Do what you do best honey. Bye." I hung up and went over to Bella's bed.
"Let's put this away." I took her diary and closed it.
"I already finished writing. About my day."
"That's good. You had a great day today?"
"Yeah." She smiled.
"You had too much of a good day. Tell me all about it in the morning!"
"Alright. Night Mom!"
"Night sweet pea." I closed the door and went back to my bed. There are some days where I just think to it worth it? Is it worth risking a sense of normalcy for my children by being a cop? Should I just retire? But, I'm not done yet. Or at least I don't think I am.

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