Late, Surprise, Gift!

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Monday, January 5th (6:45 AM) (Bella's Perspective)
I felt super tired this morning. After having a nice winter break, I didn't feel like going to school today.
BellHanLeFaiSaphEl Groupchat:
Sapphire: I'm so tired! Which train are we taking today?
Leah: The 7:45 one! But same!
Hannah: thanks! Now I can sleep some more.
Bella: Hannah you're so lazy. Go and get ready, don't make me come over!
Elle: oop! She's threatening you!!

"Bella, bear? Are you getting ready?"
"Yes, Lucy. I'm out of the shower, I'm going to put on my outfit in a bit, we're taking the 7:45 train." I got out of my bathroom and she was putting my bag on my bed.
"Don't forget you have a dance class today."
"Definitely won't. Thanks, Lucy. Lucy?"
"Who's going shopping with me for the trip?"
"I believe Elliot is. Why?"
"Just wanted to know. Can't wait."
"I can't believe you're going on a senior trip."
"Me too! I hope it's fun! I promise I'll text you every single day and send pictures."
"You better." I laughed.
"I'm making breakfast, what would you like?"
"Can you make me some bacon, please? I'm feeling a BLTA sandwich today."
"Of course sweetheart. I'll leave you to get dressed." I looked at the time. 7:05. Time to get ready.
The Precinct (Tuesday, Jan. 6) (3:25 PM) (Olivia's Perspective)
"Mom, you said you wanted me to come here?" Bella had food in tow. I nodded and asked her to pull up a chair next to me.
"What you got?"
"Shake Shack. I got you some." I smiled. Bella handed me fries and a sandwich.
"You're too kind. Where'd you get the money for this?"
"The money I saved from working with you over the summer." I nodded in understanding.
"Do you wanna guess why I made you come here?"
"Hmmm. You missed your daughter?"
"I did, guess bigger." She thought silently.
"I don't know, but it's probably something nice." I opened up my laptop. I went onto my email and pulled one in particular to show Bella.
"Look." Bella read the words on the screen and a smile formed on her face.
"You're teasing!" She said.
"I'm not, that's the confirmation email." Bella was elated.
"We're finally gonna go to London together like you promised?"
"Yes, we are. Matter of a fact, Paris too, look we're going to stay there for two days."
"Woah. Thanks, Mom!"
"You're welcome. I know how badly you wanted to go on a trip with me. I'm sorry we hadn't done it sooner."
"It's okay, I'm not mad." Bella started her homework happily.
"Do you want me to drop you home in a bit?"
"Sure!" Bella told me about her day at school.
"That's the reason why I hate health."
"What do you mean?"
"I already don't wanna have to hear it, and people make it worse by asking stupid questions."
"But they aren't dumb."
"They are because everyone knows the answer. You don't know how they act and talk outside of class. Heads up, it isn't PG. Neither are the things they do."
"I hope you're not doing those things."
"Mom. I don't."
"But um, in a way I'm kind of used to it. The dirty jokes or hearing about people doing those things. I guess I'm kind of desensitized to it."
"How does that make you feel?"
"I don't know. I don't have feelings about it." She finished up her homework.
"Some of them are funny, but I don't tolerate the ones that are rude and out of hand. I'm Olivia Benson's daughter, can't let those things happen on my watch."
"Preach." She laughed.
"You're so cute when you're trying to be trendy! Need coffee?"
"I'd appreciate a cup, yes please."
"Getting it!"
Dinner Time (Our Kitchen) (Noah's Perspective)
Morgan was over for dinner today.
"Morgan, you still owe me a piggyback ride!" Leia declared.
"I'll give you one later."
"Don't say what you don't mean, Leia's persistent." Bella pointed out.
"You're not wrong. Mr.Stabler, these potatoes are really good."
"Thank you."
"Look at Ace begging. No human food for you!"
"I bet Leia has already fed him human food."
"Wouldn't put it past her."
"Nu-uh!" She fixed her hair and continued eating. We continued talking. Mostly about things we wanted to do, and school. Leia felt the need to interject every once and a while.
"What time is it?" Elliot asked.
"7:43," I answered.
"What time do you need to be home, Morgan?"
"By 8:30, is it okay if we hang out in the basement for a little while?"
"Of course." Bella made a kissy face and I rolled my eyes as we went downstairs.
"That was a cool dinner."
"It was."
"Why are you being so quiet?"
"What makes you say that?"
"The boring response you just gave me." Bella came downstairs and plopped herself right in between us.
"Why are you here?"
"To make sure you don't make out or do anything sexual. Look, I won't bother you guys." She put in her AirPods and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Did you really come down here to ruin our good time?"
"No, I made Elliot pay me 10 bucks. Don't do anything crazy." 
"This is why I love Bella. She knows her worth, and she doesn't do anything without solid pay. Noah, you know what's up with Kole?"
"I don't know, he's been kinda weird lately. Bret tried talking to him and he almost punched him, Bret had to walk away."
"Damn, not even Angela could do something."
"It's sad. I think he's depressed."
"I'll talk to him."
"But if-"
"I know but he's my good friend, I'll at least try to talk him, isn't that better than doing nothing at all?"
Thursday, Jan. 8th (10:30 AM) (Trevor Day School) (Leia's Perspective)
Right now, I was in reading class. We were reading a book about a little boy and his doggy! The doggy was misbehaving a bit.
"This book is boring," Barron said.
"Why?" Christina asked.
"Because it's not exciting!"
"Sometimes when I'm bored, I make up a story. Maybe you'll feel less bored." Courtney pointed out.
"I'll help you make it!" Leo said.
"Me too."
"Okay, what about we make the story about Zora and The Blue Moon." This is one of our favorite shows. It's about a girl named Zora who travels to the planet of the Blue Moon and does all of these exciting things! She usually brings her friends or her pets!
"Okay, so what adventure you wanna make up?" I asked.
"Children, quiet down." My teacher said. We were doing table work now. I was answering the questions on the worksheet and started to make up my own story in my head.

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