Chapter 102 - Telling People Part 3

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It was later the morning and luckily Joshaya was able to get a hold of Eric, Morgan and Jack all at once.
The knee they wanted them to know as soon as possible but it definitely wasn't as bad as they thought it would be.
So far the reactions weren't bad neither good so they were pretty much excited to tell these people as well.

"So, why did you guys want to see us?" Eric said.
"To tell you you're becoming a uncle again," Maya said and Morgan's eyes widened.
"Baby nr 2? Oh my gosh," Morgan said as she gave Maya a hug.
"Baby boy is healthy as well. I'm fourteen weeks," Maya said.
"Congrats, niece," Jack said.
"I wanted to tell you guys as soon as possible and when we found out that Jack was here it worked out very nice," Josh said.
"I'm excited to welcome another Matthew in the world with you guys. Let's just hope they get along," Morgan said and Maya laughed.

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