Chapter 127 - Planning

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It was late a April afternoon and with the wedding now in sight Maya had to plan everything very good.
Luckily she had everything settled with and now all that actually needed to be got done with was for the wedding day to come but she did want to get a few things done with.
She was writing out her speech for Josh when Riley came to her.

"Aw, he is getting too cute," Riley said referring to the seven month AJ asleep on Maya's lap.
"Yeah, he is. Ruby?" Maya asked and saw her daughter was happily playing on the play ground right behind her.
"Mama?" the girl said coming to her mom.
"Auntie," Ruby said allowing Riley to pick her up.
"Excited for Mama's wedding?" Riley asked and the girl nod.
"She has no idea what is happening next. But I'm happy to finally be going where me and Josh belong. After this I'm officially Maya Penelope Matthews like it should be. I can't wait," Maya said.
"Don't get too happy," Riley said and Maya smiled as she wrote a last thing down in her notebook.

"I can't help it. I've felt like this the last five years and finally after being a mom for almost two years my dream is being made a reality. I can't wait for that to come true," Maya said.
"Hope you know what you're doing. Married life can be hard," Riley said.
"Tell my parents that. They are happily married with Patrick being my mom's everything," Maya said.

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