Chapter 108 - Baby Names

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Summer was now here and Maya was twenty-two weeks.
She smiles as she was swaddling Ruby to sleep as it seemed she was very tired while she looked at a few names for the new baby.
She definitely wasn't sure what they were going to call him since baby names never came to her very fast.
Josh entered the door as he returned from work and Maya smiled.

"Cranky. Think she's teething," Maya said.
"What you doing?" Josh asked as he gave Maya a peck on her lips.
"Looking at baby names. We must have something close to a name," Maya said.
"Like I know you we'll go for something very much royal like Ruby's name was," Josh said.
"Not actually. I think I want him to have a family name," Maya said.
"Gosh, there are too many men in my family," Josh said.
"We can think about it first," Maya said.


It was late the evening and now both Joshaya was looking at a few baby names as it did seem pretty serious to how much it had gone from just looking to actually searching for a name.
Maya smiled as she saw two names which suited each other pretty good and when she did discuss it with Josh he did like the name.

"Okay, so first and middle name is settled. What now?" Josh asked.
"Now nothing. I'm not going with what Shawn said and give him his name. My children are all Matthews as far as I'm concerned. Nothing else," Maya said.

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