(9) "your laugh... its beautiful..." (9)

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(Hey y'all, hoping your enjoying my book so far. I said the chapters would be longer but now I'm stuck 🤣 hopefully this'll be good..)

Your POV


Steven looked back out to the water and his eyes sparkled as the light bounced off his eyes. He was leaning on the fence thingy and you only had your hands on it, clearly not putting almost all your weight on like Steven.

"That's a pretty name, (Y/N)" he said. You blushed and turned to look at the water. "But not as pretty as StEvE!" He blurted out, joking around, being silly. His silly actions made you laugh so you covered your mouth, it was a quiet but wonderful laugh.

Steven blushes and looked at you. After hearing your laugh he stopped messing and stared at you, stars in his eyes. "Do it again" he ask, like a little child wanting to see magic. "H-huh?!" You though you had done something wrong as when you would punch your "father" on the rare occasions he would tell you "Do that again. See what happens" before throwing you into the wall and beating you.

Steven stared wide eyes. "Your laugh.. it's beautiful.." he was standing there all dumbfounded that it made you giggle. His smile grew. Then he realised what he had done. His face went from a peach with a dust of pink to a bright pink sweating face.

You giggled again, 'he was funny' you thought. Steven loved your laugh. It seemed so magical and soft. It brought light and joy. The laugh reminded him of when he was younger.

Steven, being the flustered boy he was, rubbed the back of his neck and apologised. You just smiled at him before you both heard a swooshing light noice? That was the only way you could describe it. It was blinding but fir your ears?

"That'll be the Crystal Gems!" Steven explained. You gave him a confused face, 'the who-what?' You thought to yourself.

"The Crystal Gems! They help protect the Earth and outer space and all that. I do too!" You stared at him, outer space? That was magical. He chuckled, "come on, (Y/N)! Let's go introduce you!" Steven smiled. Something about his smile made you happy.

You stood still before hesitating to take a step forward. "It's okay, I'll be here and they won't harm you" he told you.

You took a big breather before heading to the stairs...

I'm so sorry this one's so short but I really wanted to split them! Anyway, get ready to meet,
The Crystal Gems

Ammovoid /SU Fanfic/ Steven Universe x Reader (She/her)Where stories live. Discover now