(99) Portal (99)

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Hey y'all! I know I've been gone for a month but I just, wasn't okay lol. I'm better now and will try uploading to keep myself together and bring y'all some entertainment! On with la story

Your POV

The beach house...

You arrive there within a matter of moments. Steven helping you down before jumping off himself.

The beach house seemed to be in ruins. Everything seemed destroyed.

"Steven... I'm so so so sorry, I wish I knew all of this before-" Steven grabbed your hands and made you face him. He stared at your mask, around where your eyes were, "(Y/n). Voids problems aren't your mistakes." He spoke so sharp and hard. You nodded.

"We need to find void.. he seems to come around when I'm here" Steven sighed a bit. "He might be with the diamonds..." you swiftly turned to him. "What do you mean?!" Steven stepped forward. "When you left and Connie was gone, I went to Homeworld, I knew I could track where Lion was and then I could find you..."

"when I went to homeworld though, everything in the diamonds head was dark. No one anywhere. When I was about to leave though, Yellow, Blue and Spinel were all..."

You knew what he meant. Especially if he thought Void was there. You stood still. Void had got to the Diamonds, he had got to everyone.

"What about White Diamond?" You looking into Stevens eyes. "Was she there?" He stumbled a bit, "well- no, I couldn't find her"

Shit. You thought.

What if Void has done it again? What if Void had convinced White to go back into her old ways? This wouldn't be good, for anyone.

"We need to get to Voids dimension. We need to stop him before we do anything." You knew something worse was going to happen if you didn't stop Void.

Steven nodded.

You both ran into the broken house, parts of the roof had been destroyed and done walls too, practically everything seemed broken- you turned to see the bathroom.

The door hadn't had a single scratch. You walked up to it and grabbed the handle as Steven continued to look around for, you're not really sure? But just something to get you to void dimension or a clue or how to help the gems. Anything.

You slowly opened the door and poked your head in. The whole room. Nothing had broken, as if nothing had happened to it.

You looked at the mirror.

You connected eyes with something..

It looked like a silhouette of a person, but they had no eyes and only a grin from ear to ear, full of the whitest, sharpest teeth ever seen. As soon as you saw it you screamed, the felling of it staring back at you before swiftly swivelling to the door.

"STEVEN! STEVEN OVER HERE" Steven jumped and span around to see you pulling the door shut as it kept banging to be opened from the other side.

Steven pulled you back and created a bubble around you both. That's when the door stopped banging.

Steven held tightly to you for a few minutes before carefully bringing his field down and getting out his Shield that would glitch. Only reminding you that his gem was still broken.

He carefully opened the door, he was about to step in before you grabbed him and pulled him back.

He grumbled a bit before asking why you had done that. You pointed to the bathroom. "It looks fine?" "Look at the floor"

Steven looked down to see there wasn't a floor, only a million feet drop of a void.

"I think we found a way to get there..."

Ammovoid /SU Fanfic/ Steven Universe x Reader (She/her)Where stories live. Discover now