(101) Memories- Truth about Void? (101)

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You pulled you and Steven through this strange place within the void. Steven yelled and you held your breath closing your eyes.

It was strange.

As you fell onto the other side you kept hold of Stevens hand, you both dropped onto another platform.

As you opened your eyes, you realised everything was the exact same... except, everything had a warm glow, it was like all the shadows had a buttery/orange color with a gentle glow.

Steven automatically shut up when he saw everything. Your mouth was slightly open at looking at everything. It was identical but brighter, you could see everything more.

As you were looking around Steven pointed downwards and whispered "(y/n)?.. isn't that void?"

Fear ran through you. He must had found you and knew you were here. A hundred thoughts ran through your mind as you turned to look down.

It was void- but he wasn't... dark..?

Everything he wore before had now turned to this yellow honey color, he had yellow tight gloves on and his jacket sleeves had been pushed up. You couldn't see his face, but you could see his hair, it seemed to have streaks of black but the overall colour was yet again a shade of yellow, canary. He was also kneeling on the floor, a white/yellow dim glow was around him.

You stopped as you stared at him.

It was void right? You didn't have a brother or sister or sibling did you? No, after you were born Ammonite disappeared.

You made the platform slowly go down, so you could get a better look at this person.

You hadn't even noticed how you had changed here, Steven seemed to point it out. Your jacket was now the same colour as the room, you also had canary colour streaks throughout your hair. Otherwise nothing else had changed.

The platform had started to slowly drift down to get closer to this person. They looked up and you saw it was void. He didn't look at you but he looked in front of him, a yellow mirror, like orange jelly.

It was void, he had black tears in his eyes, well, they were tranceparant but had that black tint rather than the thick black jelly tears that his victims cried.

He too wore a mask that covered his mouth, it seemed to be the only black thing he wore. It said Inanis? You didn't know what that meant or who it was?

You stared at him, you felt different. When you looked at Void, his eyes said they hated everything and was always angry. You always had a fear and anger when you were with him. Now, staring into his eyes, tears dripping from each eye, falling on each cheek. His eyes were full of sadness, regret. You weren't sure how you felt.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.. I didn't want this..."

Confusion filled you. Voids done a lot of crap in your life, he's been around since the universe began so who knows how much more shit he's done. But why's he sorry now? Things just aren't adding up.

Void wiped a tear from his cheek as he stared into his own reflection, that's when it started to change. In the- void? Void told you, well someone did, that it shows truths of your universe. Perhaps it held truths of all universes and time?

It changed into a memory of time. You couldn't tell where it was actually, it didn't even look like either of there Universes?

There was a little girl, She was twirling in front of a mirror, laughing. She seemed around 12? 13? She was laughing and smiling brightly, she had black wavy thick hair and wore a beautiful dress, it too was black, it had a beautiful swing too it as she twirled.
A beautiful gem lay in her chest, a hole in the dress. It had every colour known, reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples, whites, black. It glistened.

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