(42) First Time In Forever (42)

839 35 22

Your POV

You didn't answer.. you were so tired and most things here were fake anyway. It's always a dream.

"(Y/N)? Answer me please" you got up, you recognized the voice as Stevens. You jumped up and turned to see Steven staring at you.

"S-Steven?!" You watch him, he seemed surprised but stressed out. "(Y/N)! You're okay?!" He ran over to you but you stepped back. He stopped and you both stood 6ft apart.

"S-Steven... h-how d-did you get here?" You looked at him with concern. You've been here a few times before but you know Steven shouldn't be there. "(Y/N), please just tell me where you are, I need to find you" Steven looked exhausted. He had bags under his eyes, he looked thinner, his hair flopped down and his skin seemed greyer. His outfit was no better, he was a mess.

"Steven.. I-" Stevens eyes held desperation.
Please come back (y/n)... I need to know your okay.. your powers may be powerful and may kill us but I don't care..

You both heard that and looked around. Steven seemed shocked, it was his voice, but he didn't say it.

"Steven.. I can't risk your death.. I could kill you..." your eyes glazed and you felt hot. You never thought of yourself killing someone...

"Please, come back to us, we can do this together" Steven stepped forward but you stepped back.

You turned your back. Tears fell down your cheeks. It was only you two in a world of darkness and truths.

(Your - sideways and Stevens- bold)

"I'm just trying to protect you..."

Steven stepped forwards, trying to get closer.

"You don't have to protect me! I'm not afraid!"

You turned looking at his face. You started to walk into the darkness. You stopped-

"Please don't shut me out again!
Please don't slam the door! You don't have to keep your distance anymore"

Steven stopped with you, secretly begging you to turn around.

"Because for the first time in forever,
I finally understand"

You didn't believe him and kept walking.

"For the first time in forever,
We can fix this hand in hand"

He held out his hand and you turned around, looking at it.

"We can head down this mountain together!"

He looked into your eyes and saw fear.

"You don't have to live in fear"

He started to walk up to you and you couldn't move, you wanted him but didn't want to hurt him.

"Cause for the first time in forever"

He stroked your cheek and held out his hand, taking yours.

"I will be right here,"

Ammovoid /SU Fanfic/ Steven Universe x Reader (She/her)Where stories live. Discover now