(98) Morning (98)

390 18 9

Your POV-

You felt the cool breeze on your face and Stevens breath on the back of your neck.

You slowly opened your eyes to see it was bright now, all the plants looked incredible in the morning daylight. Their colors really shining through.

You moaned a bit before turning over and snuggling into Steven. You didn't really give it a second thought until you heard an adorable giggle fall from his lips.

That's when you realize you were snuggling with Steven, you jumped up and stumbled back onto your bottom. Your bandana has turned back into a mask and had fallen down your neck.

Steven smiled at you, "morning" he laughed. Seems he had been awake before you. "I-uh-" you mumbled still butt on the floor. You were just fumbling with your hands, trying to figure out how it happened, you kept mumbling too.

Steven stood above you and lent out a hand to pick you up. "Did you know how adorable you are?" You took his hand and stared at him. A heavy blush blew over your face as you looked away and pulled up your mask.

"H-how did w-we unfuse?" Steven looked at you and looked at him, "not too sure, but we both seem alright so I guess it's okay." You nodded, you looked down to lion to see him yawning.

You thought about the fusion, it was nice.. you've known Steven for almost a year now it's good to know you can fuse.

"Okay, we need to get ready to save everyone-" Steven started, trying to pull lion up. "Wait, Steven." He stopped and turned to you. "What happened to Connie?"

You expected her to be okay and come with Steven. Yet Steven came alone.

"She..." his eyes glazed over as his continued to pull things from lions mane, such as; bags, food, water bottles, etc.

"Steven.. she's not okay is she?..." you didn't want it to be true. You knew Void wouldn't hurt a Gem, but who knows what he'd do to a human.

Steven shook his head.

"W-were gonna save her" you tried to convince him and yourself that she would be okay. Void could be gruesome, who knew what he would do.

Silence fell on the both of you. Even though you both had tears I'm your eyes you smiled at each other. At least you weren't alone now.

Where were you going to go? Now you were really stuck. You only knew how to save your powers partly, you could go back to Beach City but even so you didn't really know how to enter his universe.

"We're gonna need a plan" you told Steven, looking down at the ground thinking. "I'm not sure how to enter Voids universe, Ammonite is trapped somewhere... wait.." you looked up to Steven.

You saw Ammonite in Voids dimension, where everything was black. What if she wasn't actually there.

"I saw Ammonite in Voids dimension, everything there represents a truth here. Not sure if it holds truths of other universes but that doesn't matter right now" you started to walk around.

Steven looked to you, "what does that mean then?" You stopped And turned around to look at him. "It means my mom could be anywhere on the planet or universe..."

You sighed and sat down. It could take years to find her, she could be anywhere in the whole universe...

"We're gonna find her (y/n)" Steven smiled, lending out a hand. You took it and he pulled you up. "We need to save everyone quickly though.." Steven sighed, "yeah, you're right. But we can do that without Ammonite. I mean we've got Ammovoid" Steven smiled.

You gave a small smile and looked down to your hands. "I don't know how to control all of them though, I could end up hurting more people.." Steven snapped you from your thoughts and held your hand. "You'll figure it out, just as I figured mine."

He was right. He has to be. If a God died you don't even know what would happen to their universe, you didn't want to kill Void- well actually...

He killed your dad,
He's torturing your mom,
He's controlling your friends,
He's tried to kill you multiple times,
He locked you up for 8 years,
He starved you,
He abused you,
He lied to you.

Wow, your fathers a sucky man, sorry.

"Mm.." you mumbled. Void is such a terrible person. You still can't believe he's your 'dad'.

Lion walked over to the both of you and laid his head down.

"L-Lion- not now" Steven blushed a bit and pulled Lions head up. "Steven?-" "(y/n) don't worry, it's nothing-" you stopped him. "If you want you can go, I know you go in there sometimes"

You only knew this because Rose told you before how Steven would go in and practically act like it was his diary. Normally bitching about her.

Stevens blush was more red then pink now but he insisted that he didn't. He picked you up and put you on Lion, then he jumped up and sat behind you.

"Lion, take us to the beach house" You smirked as Lion turned his head to look at Steven and then yawned, going back to sitting on the floor. Stevens blush was just horrendous now, you giggled at it.

"Lion, May you please take us to the beach house?" Lion opened an eye and sighed getting back up, he started to run at the water. That's when he roared and jumped through another portal.

"When did you learn fancy manners?" Steven laughed. Even human would normally be lazy and say 'can you' whilst you said 'may you'. "W-Well living with Pearl helps" you laughed.

Ammovoid /SU Fanfic/ Steven Universe x Reader (She/her)Where stories live. Discover now