(86) Explain (86)

332 19 5

Happy Pride Month!

Your POV

Both Connie and Steven were asking you what happened. You sighed. You didn't want them to worry but they had to know or they may get hurt.


"He's back"

Stevens face went pale whilst Connie questioned who Void is. "He's a god-" You interrupted Steven, "he's my dad". Steven stared at you, and started to glow pink.

"Steven it's okay!" You hugged him to try to reduce the pinkness. He didn't do this before. When he didn't change you let go and looked at Connie. "I-Is he okay?"

"Steven does this sometimes when he gets triggered" Steven shook off his pink ora and looked embarrassed.

"Voids you're dad" Steven seemed concerned at this. You nodded and turned to Connie to explain who Void is, "Void is a God, more precisely, the God of Darkness. He can do a lot of bad things so we need to evacuate Beach City and you two"

Stevens glare became upsetting and nervous, "what about you?!" "Well I have to fight him" Connie looked at you with tears in her eyes. "No you don't! We can fight him" you looked over to Steven to see the fear on his face. He was afraid he would loose you again, this time to void.

You turned back to Connie, "n-no, we all can't... he's a god. You're a human. Stevens a gem-" imagines flashed to when the gems were there. Connie's face changes to Pearls, no eyes and blood dripping from every hole in her face. Starting to fill the floor.

You jumped backwards and wacked your head on the table behind you, jumping out of that scene.

Connie and Steven ran up to you, "are you okay?!" Steven held your head from where you banged it hard. You struggled trying to stand up, stumbling on the way. "Y-Yeah... I- I'm fine..."

You felt a bit dizzy as the room started to spin a little. You brought your hand to your head trying to see if it would stop the spinning. It helped a little.

"We have to fight with you" Connie helped you walk over to the couch where she put you down. "You could d-die..." watching the ground you thought about Steven and Connie being murdered by Void. There eyes being ripped from their skulls, being trapped within a void till they starved or dehydrated..

"We can do it, right Steven" You looked up at Connie and Steven. Connie seemed confident but Steven, not so much.

"Yeah, we can"

That's when cracks led to rips and rips to shreds and a scream as light above started to shine through.

Connie screamed whilst ducking down and trying to protect her head from the falling ceiling, ready to crush you all.

You screamed as the suddenness made you jump and panic. Steven though fast and quickly placed a shield above you all as the ceiling hit it. The clash between the ceiling and shield made both shatter. The shield had been glitching out and Steven seemed to be in pain.

You slowly looked up to see the ceiling everywhere on the floor, Connie slowly getting up and taking in what had happened, and Steven clenching his navel where his gem was, grunting in pain.

It took a quick second to realise what had happened and what was happening, you jumped up and ran over to Steven, he had bags under his eyes and his skin seemed a bit more pale grey than usual. Why hadn't you noticed this before?!

"Steven!" You ran to give him a hug and see if he was alright. Connie ran over too. "Steven are you alright?!" Connie was looking him over whilst you just looked at his face, trying to get to his eyes.

He kept looking down to his gem though, huffing and puffing. Once you noticed where he was looking you looked at it too. He had his gem gripped in his hand and seemed to not want anyone to look at it.

"Steven..." You looked back up she jumped back, making the mistake of looking into your eyes.

He was afraid. He was keeping something from you. About his gem.

He pulled away from your gripping eyes and shook his head to get out of the trance of even wanting to look back.

He looked down in your direction at the ground. "I- uh- yeah?" He laughed, trying to play it off as if everything was fine. He rubbed his neck but still had his hand on his gem and he didn't move from where he had jumped backwards too.

"Steven.. what happened.."

Ammovoid /SU Fanfic/ Steven Universe x Reader (She/her)Where stories live. Discover now