(44) You brought My color back (44)

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Your POV

You woke up on a pile of flowers. You were miserable. It was cold and alone.

It had been 2 more weeks since you ran away from Jasper, and it's been just over a month since you've seen Steven in real life.

You were just about surviving. You had made a bed of flowers and had created a bush of berries outside. You couldn't imagine murdering an animal with your bare hands.

It was cold in your cave. Nothing felt good. You couldn't shower with shampoos and conditioners But you could use water and some cool leaves?

You sighed getting up. You missed the gems, you missed people, you missed Steven..

Every night you would find yourself in that darkness. It was more homey than... you looked around. Whatever this was.

You sighed and stood up, you walked over and the vines brought a berry bush to you. This was the best you could do? Some old Berry's and a cave? You were cement  to be a daughter of a god and human. Why were you always in danger. Was 8 years not enough?!

For the first time in weeks you decided to go out to walk in the forest. You knew where Jaspers home was so you were safe from that, plus the town was behind you.

You walked off and the vines created a stair case for you. This was your first time out in a while. It was warmer.

You walked around, everything seemed dull. All the flowers of different vibrant colors were now seemingly dark and colorless. They all looked so different. There were apples in a tree, they looked okay so you tried to reach them. You were jumping, so close to grabbing one, when someone else grabbed it. It hadn't even processed through your mind that another human could be here.

They handed you the fruit and you thanked them, you hadn't even realized what was going on until you saw their face.

"Hey (y/n)..." A smile on his face, he was standing close to you and you could hear his heart racing.

"S-Steven... Steven.." you stared into his eyes for a moment, taking in his presence.

"STEVEN?!" Your eyes widened and you jumped backwards and tripped on a tree root.

"Woah! Be careful!" Steven grabbed hold of you, if he let go you would have fallen on your back. His face was close to yours. You could feel his warm breath on your face.

You didn't realize how much you missed him until he was there. Everything in you warmed up, you felt a good feeling in your chest. You could feel your heart beating again, as if you were brought back to life.

All the colors around you guys started to shine, you could feel the heat on your body, you could feel the beating of your heart, you could feel all the flowers watching you, all their colors.

"I- Steven.." he held you back up and you stood on your feet, a hand to your chest. "(Y/N)... I've been searching for you.. after two weeks I became a mess... I felt lost. More than before. Something was missing..."
He looked into your eyes, seeing the sparkle.
"I went to bed thinking of you.. and we met.. I'm not sure if it was real but it was darkness. You were there on the floor, crying..." his eyes watered.

"Steven.. it was real.. I'm..." he sighed looking into your eyes. "You told me to stop looking... you pushed me away... I couldn't watch you walk away.. that was the last time. I woke up the next day and freshened myself up. I looked after myself. If I were going to find you, I needed to be ready..."

He smiled at you, his eyes sparkled in the sunlight and the tears in them let the light reflect.

"I didn't stop looking. I wasn't going to give up on you. After 3 months, I'm so glad I found you" he smiled holding your cheek.

3 months?!

"Three months?!" You stepped back... how long were you in that dream for? How many days were you gone after the dreams?!

"I'm sorry it took me so long.. after the 2nd month I went to jasper. She explained what happened and I looked all around here. I've searched everywhere, I'm so glad your here. I didn't want to startle you but I'm so happy"

He span you into the air. You were both laughing again. When he pulled you down you didn't even look at him, you just ran into his chest and appreciated his company.

He rubbed your hair and rested his head on yours, holding you close. Suddenly he could feel water coming though his shirt. "Hey hey, it's okay" you had begun to cry. You had felt so alone, so lost, so hurt. Everything had lost color, lost purpose. Steven brought it all back, he made you happy.

You started to laugh while tears came down your face. "Hey what you laughing at missy?" He picked you up and tickled your sides, making you give a quick squeal and try to pull him off. "Stevennnn!!!!" He stopped and smiled at you. You were blushing again. You couldn't explain the pain you had felt before. Everything was numb. Everything was meaningless.

You looked into his eyes, you saw a light. A life. His life.

"I missed you so much" it felt like a dream, you and Steven were together again.

Ammovoid /SU Fanfic/ Steven Universe x Reader (She/her)Where stories live. Discover now