(69) In The Night (69)

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Before we start- shhhhhhhhhh Ik what ur thinking about the number of this chapter.

Your POV

You mumbled in the bed, you turned over to snuggle into Steven but... he wasn't there? The spot was cold.

You opened your eyes, the blindfold was still on but you could see fine. You looked around, Steven seemed to be on the Balcony.

He sighed, you didn't want him to see you so you pretended to be asleep but kept your eyes a bit open, to see him.

He leaned down and picked up his ukulele? He sighed and looked out across the beach.

"I can't keep pushing this down
any deeper"

You opened your eyes a little wider, what did he mean?

"Why do I keep trying if I can't keep her?"

He turned around to see you, then span on the deck.

"Every move I make is just another mistake,
I wonder what it would take,
Because it feels like there's a hole inside my body,"

He looked out across the beach again.

"Like there's a hole inside my heart"

"It's like this feeling is gonna consume me,
If I keep waiting for this thing to start"

"Ohh, I feel like I'm all gummed up inside"

"It's like I'm all gummed up inside"
"It's like I'm all gummed up inside"


He sighed, his eyes watching the dark waves on the sea.

You were watching him, poor Steven... what did he mean though? Was he okay?..

He turned around and started to walk back to the bed, you quickly closed your eyes and pretended to be asleep. He stroked your hair, "I can't believe we're here..."

He sat on the bed, looking out the glass doors. "If I hadn't saved you, Would life be better? For everyone?" He sighed again, he seemed tired.

He got into the bed and pulled you close, you could feel his breathing slowly slow down, getting heavy. After a while, he had fallen asleep.

The same can not be said for you though.. thoughts filled your head..
Is Steven okay?
Did you ruin his life?
Did you scare him?
Does he hate you?
Does he love you?
Does he regret saving you?...

All these thoughts were hurting you. You didn't want to believe them but, we're they true? Did he hate you? Does he regret saving you that night?

The darkness didn't seem to help, it just made you feel worse.

You sighed and slowly got out of Stevens grip, trying not to wake him up in the process.

You got out and sat on your side of the bed, looking at him, little snores. It made a small smile appear on your face.

You got up and checked the time on his clock, 3:23am... maybe you needed a glass of water? You nodded, agreeing with yourself. Hopefully a cold glass of water would help you calm down a bit.

You got up and off the bed, trying not to make the floorboards creak.

You got down the stairs and sighed, luckily you hadn't made any noise walking down.

You looked up to see all the gems on the warp pad talking about something. You quickly hid behind the stairs, ear dripping on their conversation.

"Is it safe though?" You heard pearl say. "It's the best thing for the both of them" Garnet seemed off still. "But (y/n)'s cool.." Amethyst seemed a bit down.. but, were they talking about you?

"How are we going to do that? And what if they get hurt?" You peeked around to see Pearl pacing around. "They won't." Garnet seemed anxious but stood tall in the centre of the warp pad, Amethyst slumped next to her. "I'm not sure-" Amethyst seemed doubtful but Garnet seemed to had made up her mind. "We're Going."

All eyes stood on her now, she seemed to stand tall, showing no emotions. "I-" Pearl was standing, watching Garnet. "Pearl. We're Leaving." Pearl seemed afraid or anxious, and walked up to the warp pad, standing on the other side of Garnet. Pearl sighed as the beam lit up and they disappeared.

You got up, and stared at the now empty warp... what were they talking about? What.. what were they gonna do?

Fear was tearing you. Recently, life seemed tougher than before. Before you were beaten everyday any day, you were fed the same everyday, you didn't know about anything other than the life you lived...

You walked over to the counter and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. You sighed, listening to the water filling the cup.

You felt cold, tears formed in your eyes. The air seemed thinner and colder than usual. The glass was cold and concentrated droplets of the cold water were around the outside of the cup.

You looked at the water, you didn't want it but you needed it. Your mouth was moist but clammy.

You brought the glass to your mouth and sipped it, the cold liquid flowing down your throat. It somehow felt good, the cold liquid in your warm throat.

Mentally you didn't feel too great, it was cold and you felt alone. Not a feeling your not used to though.

You placed the glass on the counter and sighed. "Should he have saved me?.." you whispered lightly, relying back to when you and Steven first met.

You walked back up the stairs, trying to not make a sound. You saw Steven laying down on the bed, his heavy breathing reassuring you he was asleep. You sighed and walked up to the bed, holding the blanket and laying down.

You hadn't realized the tears pouring into his bed until he had grabbed you and pulled you closer, showing you the wet blotches left.

You sighed, what was gonna happen now?

Your eyes drooped and the heavy warm breath of Stevens laid on your neck, smoothing you to sleep.

Everything went dark

Ammovoid /SU Fanfic/ Steven Universe x Reader (She/her)Where stories live. Discover now